Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday's Montage Mantlepiece: Encore

An anthology about musicals… with a twist.

Who can resist a musical? We at Wayward Ink certainly can’t!

Boys and Girls, go don your tux. Slink into your gown. Strap on your heels. Dust off that tiara and wrap yourselves in a feather boa! Come celebrate the extravaganza with us!

Waltz through ten short stories inspired by some of the world’s most popular musicals.

What’s Up Pussycat? by Louise Lyons
Over The Rainbow by Lily G. Blunt
Broadway Devils by Eric Gober
Angel in the Wings by Asta Idonea
My South Pacific by Taylin Clavelli
Enjoy The Show by Lisa A. Adams
The One That I Want by R.J. Jones
A Touch Glamour by Alina Popescu
A Man Who Measures Up by Cecil Wilde
A Night at the Opera by Vanessa Clark
What’s Up Pussycat? by Louise Lyons
Heartbroken Finley fears he’ll never recover from the loss of his lover, Andrew, who was a star of the Cats musical.

But then Finley has an idea…

What if he were to take Andrew’s part in the musical and hopefully make his man proud?

Over The Rainbow by Lily G. Blunt
Dorian has been cast as Dorothy in his school’s production of The Wizard of Oz.

Like his character, Dorian is about to discover whether dreams really do come true.

Broadway Devils by Eric Gober
A geek and his flashy rival . . .

A leading man they both love . . .

A starring role they both want . . .

All’s fair in love and Broadway.

May the best diva take it all!

Angel in the Wings by Asta Idonea
When handsome Phantom, Christopher Keane requests Marcus as his dresser, the action in the wings could be just as exciting as anything taking place on stage…

My South Pacific by Taylin Clavelli
British born Callum has given up on love.

Will he find it again among the Hawaiian reefs?

Or will there be more sharks…

Enjoy The Show by Lisa A. Adams
Dylan Rucker’s online dating adventures landed him the perfect match.

When “Mister Right” stands him up at the dinner theater, Dylan wants to crawl home defeated.

But, the night is young…

With an unexpected flirtation with the lead actor, Dylan must decide.

Hold out for his “Mister Right”?

Or, sit back and enjoy the show?

The One That I Want by R.J. Jones
“What, you don’t think Danny’s hot?”

“I prefer Kenickie. He can pin me against a wall anytime.”

A Touch Glamour by Alina Popescu
Tudor has big plans for New York City.

Ditch his homophobic colleague. See a musical. Definitely check out the go-go boys.

Meeting one Phantom on Grindr wasn’t in the script.

Tudor gets caught up in a whirlwind when his favorite musical character steps off the stage and into his life.

A Man Who Measures Up by Cecil Wilde
When you’re in musical theater, love is just a jump to the left and a step to the right.

A Night at the Opera by Vanessa Clark
Rick never cared for opera.

He thought opera singers were old, outdated, and fat.

That was until he met Giovanni, an opera singer who’s far from that!

No. Giovanni is statuesque, young, refreshing, and beautiful.

Giovanni opened Rick’s mind to a new world, and Rick’s first ever opera experience definitely wasn’t going to be his last.

But little does Giovanni realize that Rick will open his mind to a new experience too…


Author Bios:
Louise Lyons
Louise Lyons comes from a family of writers. Her mother has a number of poems published in poetry anthologies, her aunt wrote poems for the Church, and her grandmother sparked her inspiration with tales of fantasy. Louise first ventured into writing short stories at the grand old age of eight, mostly about little girls and ponies. She branched into romance in her teens, and MM romance a few years later, but none of her work saw the light of day until she discovered Fan Fiction in her late twenties.

Posting stories based on some of her favorite movies, provoked a surprisingly positive response from readers. This gave Louise the confidence to submit some of her work to publishers, and made her take her writing “hobby” more seriously.

Louise lives in the UK, about an hour north of London, with a mad Dobermann, and a collection of tropical fish and tarantulas. She works in the insurance industry by day, and spends every spare minute writing. She is a keen horse-rider, and loves to run long distance. Some of her best writing inspiration comes to her, when her feet are pounding the open road. She often races into the house afterward, and grabs pen and paper to make notes.

Louise has always been a bit of a tomboy, and one of her other great loves is cars and motorcycles. Her car and bike are her pride and joy, and she loves to exhibit the car at shows, and take off for long days out on the bike, with no one for company but herself.

Lily G. Blunt
Lily G. Blunt writes contemporary gay romance and erotica. She loves to explore the relationship between two men and the intensity of their physical and emotional attraction. Angst often features in her stories as she feels this demonstrates the depth of the men’s feelings for each other. Lily is forever writing imaginary scenes and plots in her head, but only a few ever make it to the page—there never seems to be enough hours in the day despite having left the teaching profession to concentrate on her writing!

Lily discovered the wonderful world of m/m romance novels four years ago via fan fiction and went on to write stories in her spare time. With the encouragement of her friends and readers she decided to publish some of her work.

Lily has several self-published stories available on Amazon. She is also published with Torquere Press and Wayward Ink Publishing.

Easily distracted from her writing, Lily makes videos using clips from gay-themed movies and posts gorgeous pictures of men kissing or making out on her tumblr and Facebook pages. Lily is also an avid supporter of GLBTQ rights and advocates equality for all.

Lily lives in central England with her rather bemused husband, two twenty-something children, and a ‘mad as a bag of frogs’ Shetland Sheepdog.

Eric Gober
Eric Gober is a fan of quirky characters, family drama, coming-of-age stories, and the angst of good romance. He rolls them into one in his award-winning debut novel, Secrets of the Other Side.

When not writing, he can be found curled up with a good book, seeking inspiration from the big screen, or hanging with great friends. He is an avid runner and enjoys trail running and half marathons.

He grew up in Las Vegas and now makes his home in Los Angeles. He is at work on a new novel set amid California’s marriage-equality battles.

Asta Idonea
Asta Idonea is an alternate pen name of author Nicki J Markus.

Nicki was born in England in 1982, but now lives in Adelaide, South Australia with her husband. She has loved both reading and writing from a young age and is also a keen linguist, having studied several foreign languages.

Nicki launched her writing career in 2011 when she released several short stories with Wicked Nights Publishing. She then had two novellas published with Silver Publishing, prior to the company’s closure.

At present, she has several new projects on the go. As well as branching out into the exciting world of M/M under the pen name Asta Idonea, Nicki is working on the first book in a fantasy-mythology trilogy and hopes to find a publisher for it in 2015.

Nicki currently works as a freelance editor and proofreader, and in her spare time she enjoys completing MOOCs and pursuing other interests, including: reading; music; theatre; cinema; photography; sketching; and cross stitch. She also loves history, folklore and mythology, pen-palling and travel.

Taylin Clavelli
Taylin Clavelli lives in the United Kingdom, about 15 miles south of Birmingham, and a short journey from the world famous Cadbury’s Chocolate factory. She’s married with children and loves her family with all her heart.

Her love of books has been a long standing affair, with Taylin liking nothing better than to lose herself in an imaginary world.

Until she met Lily Velden, she never considered trying her hand at writing. However, after talking ideas, Lily encouraged her to put pen to paper—or rather, fingers to keyboard. Since, with a few virtual kicks in the right place, she hasn’t stopped. Her confidence eventually led to her writing an original work for submission.

Her first published work was Boys, Toys, and Carpet Fitters, developed for the Dreamspinner Press Anthology – Don’t Try This At Home.

Now she absolutely adores immersing herself into the characters she creates, and transferring the pictures in her brain to paper, finding it liberating, therapeutic, and wonderful.

Outside of writing, her interests include; martial arts (she’s a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Taekwon-do), horse-riding, all of which facilitates her love of a wide variety of movies. Her action heroes include Jet Li and Tony Jaa—finding the dedication these men have for their art combined with their skill both amazing and a privilege to watch. If pressed, she’ll admit to thinking that the screen entrance of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean – Curse of the Black Pearl, and Shadowfax in LOTR, to be the greatest screen entrances ever. Her all-time favorite movies are Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.

The simple things in life that make her day, putting a smile on her face are:

Laughter – especially that of her children.

The smell of lasagna cooking – it makes her mouth salivate.

The dawn chorus – no symphony ever written can beat the waking greetings of the birds.

Lisa A. Adams
Lisa A. Adams has been a writer for the past seven years. She's tried several genres and finally found her niche in romance. She has been studying the romance genre for three years, attending webinars, workshops, and college classes.

Her first completed novella that was sent out for submission "The Legionnaire's Prize" has been signed and will be released as an ebook next year.

Previously, Lisa Adams was a teacher and her passion was world history. She taught five years in a middle school both Social Studies and Language Arts.

When asked about her family, Lisa will be the first to tell you that her family support system has been the backbone, not only of her writing career, but anything she chooses to pursue. "I'm very blessed to have a large wonderful family that has total faith in me, and pushes me to be everything I want to be."

She has been married to husband, Ray, for almost ten years and has five wonderful children. "Even my children respect my writing time, and go ask daddy for whatever they need during that time."

R.J. Jones
I started as a reader and eventually made the progression to reviewing. It wasn’t until two men pop into my thoughts, insisting on telling me their story that I started to write. It started with one scene. A hot and dirty one in the shower.

My initial thought was if I could write their scene then they’d shut up and allow me to concentrate on other aspects of my day. That shower scene was 3000 words long and three hours of work.  But they didn’t shut up.  They told me their entire story and I didn’t sleep for days.  Sometimes I couldn’t keep up with what they were telling me and I had to keep a notebook by my bed.

Whilst I was writing their story a side character decided he needed his story told too. Then other characters followed suit.You see the problem? If I ever want to sleep again then I need to write.I’m a wife and a mother to two boys. Even my dog is a boy.I am surrounded by males.

Alina Popescu
Writer, traveler, and coffee addict, Alina Popescu has been in love with books all her life. She started writing when she was ten and even won awards in local competitions. She has always been drawn to sci-fi, fantasy, and the supernatural realm.
Cecil Wilde
Cecil Wilde is a queer romance author who writes sweet, sexy LGBT contemporaries featuring hot people of every gender. Born and raised in Australia with stories set across the globe, Cecil channels his desire to make people happy by writing romances where, eventually, everyone gets their happily-ever-after.

Vanessa Clark
Vanessa Clark writes lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex, and trans* romance/erotica fiction that she affectionately calls glitterotica.  Her writing career started in high school where she gained a reputation for her historical short stories, even having been given a couple of gold key awards from Scholastic Inc. She got her start writing erotica during college. After having numerous short erotica stories published on Oysters&, she has since had various erotic shorts published in anthologies under her initials, V.C. She has been published by O&C Press, Ravenous Romance, Freaky Fountain, Cleis Press, Go Deeper Press, House of Erotica, and Robinson/Running Press.

When she’s not writing, Vanessa enjoys reading literature, watching classic movies, learning foreign languages (like French and Icelandic), going to concerts, museums, and drag shows, and simply taking each day as it comes and enjoying life’s simple pleasures. She currently lives in New Jersey.

Louise Lyons

Lily G. Blunt

Eric Gober

Asta Idonea

Taylin Clavelli

Lisa A. Adams

R.J. Jones

Alina Popescu

 Cecil Wilde

Vanessa Clark


Release Day Blitz: Lady of the Flames by Barbara Monajem

Title: Lady of the Flames
Author: Barbara Monajem
Series: A Most Peculiar Season #3
Genre: Regency Historical Paranormal Romance
Release Date: March 23, 2015
Magic is fraught with peril—but so is love.

Lord Fenimore Trent’s uncanny affinity for knives and other sharp blades led to knife fights, duels, and murderous brawls. Five years ago, he faced a choice: marry Andromeda Gibbons, the woman he loved, or find a safe, peaceful use for his blades by opening a furniture shop—an unacceptable occupation for a man of noble birth. The choice made itself when Andromeda turned to another man. The furniture shop prospered, but now Fen’s partner has been accused of treason. In order to root out the real traitor, he may face another unpalatable choice—to resort to the violent use of his blades once again.

Once upon a time, Andromeda Gibbons believed in magic. That belief faded after her mother’s death and vanished completely when Lord Fenimore, the man she loved, spurned her. Five years later, Andromeda has molded herself into a perfect—and perfectly unhappy—lady. When she overhears her haughty betrothed, the Earl of Slough, plotting treason, she flees into the London night—to Fen, the one man she knows she can trust. But taking refuge with Fen proves to mean far more than getting help—it means learning to believe in love, magic, and the real Andromeda once again.

“It’s time for bed now,” Fen said.

Andromeda’s eyes widened, but mercifully she was too exhausted to try any of her wiles on him. Not that she seemed so inclined at the moment, but earlier, when their eyes had met for a few seconds, he’d wondered. Oh, how he remembered kissing and licking those lovely feet—and stopping right there, for if he hadn't, his tongue would have wandered elsewhere and feasted indeed.

He knew for certain that she remembered it, too.

But he also doubted that she could undress by herself. “There are no women here, so I suppose I’ll have to unlace your stays.” He knew he sounded surly but couldn't help it. Time was when he’d wanted nothing more than to love this woman forever.

“If you don’t mind,” she said stiffly, standing up, hissing as her injured feet touched the rug. She pulled a small reticule from the top of her stays and set it on the dresser. “If I can put up with it, surely you can, too.”

He swore under his breath and went behind her to undo the hooks at the back of the gown. Quickly, he unlaced her stays and stood back. “I’ll give you something of mine to wear. It’ll be too big, but you need more than a shift.” He went over to his chest of drawers, pulled out a nightshirt, and tossed it onto the bed.

This would not be comfortable or easy, but they both had to sleep. “There’s a chamber pot under the bed. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He went to the door. “Call me when you’re ready.”

“Ready for what?”

“To go to bed.” She frowned, and he added, “When you've changed into the nightshirt and used the chamber pot and done whatever else you have to do. There’s a hairbrush on the dressing table if you need it.”

“Very well, but why would I call you?”

“So I can come to bed, too,” he said.

She was already pale with fatigue, but now she went stark white. “You can’t come to bed…in here…with me!”

Considering the way she’d thrown herself at him five years ago, this should be hilarious. It wasn't. It made him want to swear and throw things. “I have nowhere else to sleep.”

“No other bedchambers?”

“One, but it belongs to my valet.”

“No settee? No sofa?” She clenched her small fists.

“Only chairs. And before you ask, we’re out of sofas in the shop, too.” A damned good thing, because he didn't relish sleeping in the showroom for all his workers to find in the morning. “I need what little sleep I can get. The next few days are going to be hell in too many ways.”

If she took that as an insult, so be it. She put her hands on her hips and tried to look fierce, but her lip trembled.

He relented a little. “Don’t be a fool, Andromeda. We’re not going to do anything we shouldn't.”

She narrowed her eyes. “No, we certainly are not.”

Lord, what a fiasco. “Then what’s bothering you?”

“I won’t be able to sleep at all if you’re naked!”

He burst out laughing. Was that all that bothered her?

“It’s not proper,” she shouted, crimson with rage. The fire crackled, sounding as angry as she. “It’s not right!”

“Hush,” he retorted. “Someone might hear you.”

“Just because I’m now completely ruined doesn't mean I should be treated like a trollop.”

Where had she got that idea? He’d thought he was treating her rather well. “I won’t be naked, you idiotic girl,” he said. “I’ll wear what I have on now.”

“It’s still not right,” she said. “I’m unmarried. I can’t share my bed with a man.”

“In case you have forgotten,” he said between his teeth, “it’s my bed, and I don’t want you there, either.” He lit a candle from the branch on the dresser and went to the door. “But unless you wish to sleep on the floor, that’s the way it will be.” He left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Author Bio:
Barbara Monajem grew up in western Canada. She wrote her first story, a fantasy about apple tree gnomes, when she was eight years old, and dabbled in neighborhood musicals at the age of ten. At twelve, she spent a year in Oxford, England, soaking up culture and history, grubbing around at an archaeological dig, playing twosy-ball against the school wall, and spending her pocket money on adventure novels. Thanks to her mother, she became addicted to Regency romances as well. She is the award-winning author of several Regency novellas, many of which include elements of magic, and the Bayou Gavotte series of paranormal mysteries. Apart from writing, she loves to cook (especially soups), and the only item on her bucket list is to be successful at knitting socks (which she doesn't expect to achieve). She lives near Atlanta, Georgia, with an ever-shifting population of relatives, friends, and feline strays.



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Katie in Love by Chloe Thurlow

Title: Katie in Love
Author: Chloe Thurlow
Genre: Adult Fiction, Erotica
Release Date: March 21, 2015
Katie Boyd has nothing in common with Tom Bridge, the volunteer doctor she meets at a party – except in bed she finds a passion to match her own. Tom is intense, puzzling, a man who cares about others and compels Katie to question her own life drifting through the hip clubs and London party scene.

When Tom returns to his post in a Sri Lanka orphanage, Katie isn’t sure if their passion was lit by its brevity, or if love, unexpected and not entirely wanted, has edged its way into her life. Should she go back to being who she always was? Or follow Tom into the unknown?

Katie in Love is a compelling erotic-romance that will grip readers as they follow Katie’s journey to an ending they may have expected – but not in the way they expected it.

Brilliantly written and coolly self-aware, Chloe Thurlow was described by KM Dylan on Amazon as “…the Anaรฏs Nin of our times.” WithKatie in Love  – her sixth novel – Thurlow reveals a writer at the height of her powers.

Author Bio:
After uni, I started working in PR and got bored to tears. It was more fun being a waitress and writing in the dark silent hours from 2am to 6. I managed to complete a novel I called "Being A Girl" and fell over in the street after Nexus published it and the editor gave me a bottle of champagne I drank too quickly. Now, here we are, penning away night and day, five novels and three naughty-shorties on the shelf with a study of EL James called "The Fifty Shades of Grey Phenomena" just out.

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Release Day Blitz: Loving Kate by D Kelly

Title: Loving Kate
Author: D Kelly
Series: Acceptance #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 23, 2015
Photography & Cover Design: Regina Wamba of Mae I Design
Models: Daniel Ford & Julia Plan
Katherine Moore has loved Michael Matthews since they were children. She’s also in love with his best friend. After her world was turned upside down, she made an impulsive choice which may have cost her the loves of her life. Now, as she tries to make amends, she has to choose one of them. But how do you choose between two men who love you unconditionally?

Things continue to get even more complicated with the arrival of baby Lucas. In the midst of it all, her college graduation looms on the horizon and her future has never seemed more unclear. When she finally declares which man she can’t live without, he refuses to let Kate back into his heart. Everything seems hopeless until a sudden change of events puts her in day to day contact with the man she loves.

As they both struggle to accept their new circumstances, Kate can’t help but hope this will be their second chance at happily ever after. Will the man of her dreams be able to forgive her or will she finally have to accept that she’s truly lost the love of her life?

Loving Kate is the third and final full-length novel in The Acceptance Series.

It’s crowded, but since it’s a weeknight, it’s not nearly as packed as usual. Since I’m about to lose my bull riding virginity I’m thankful for the slightly smaller crowd. As promised, Mike goes first but the ride operator isn’t as gentle on the men and he flies off pretty quickly. I think he might have wacked his balls against the hand hold on his way down. He winces a bit as he gets up.

“You okay?” I ask him, giggling, but I’m truly worried about his man parts.

He pulls me in close, his breath caressing my ear. I’m holding my breath as he whispers, “I think my baby makers are broken.” I laugh as he places a kiss on my cheek. “Good luck, baby, now go ride that bull like you’d ride me.”

He says it loud enough for everyone to hear and if I thought I was going to go deaf from the music before that was nothing compared to the whooping and hollering of the crowd. Of course the ride operator uses it to his advantage “What’s your girl’s name?” he yells across to Mike.

There’s a devious gleam in Mike’s eyes as he replies “Jessica, but all her good friends call her Jess.” He nods that he’s got it and after I’m straddled onto the bull, he holds nothing back.

“Alright, everyone, let’s hear it for our new friend Jess! Now, we all heard her boyfriend tell her to ride our bull like she rides him at home, so I think we’re in for a show.”

My cheeks were already flushed from the alcohol, my palms sweaty from nerves, but the embarrassment zinging through me makes my entire body burn. I catch Mike out of the corner of my eyes, laughing and shrugging his shoulders in a semi apology. At least he had the decency to not give my real name.

The bull starts off nice and slow, periodically gyrating a few times in a forward motion, but I’m able to hold on with just one hand. I don’t really know how long this goes on, maybe a minute or so, when I hear the announcer tell Mike over the PA system that he’s a lucky man. At this point, he’s done being nice and the bull starts bucking around like crazy. I’m able to hold it together for about another thirty seconds or so before I go flying off.

Someone helps me to my feet and I stumble over to Mike as the crowd starts chanting ‘kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss’.

Hell, at this point what does it matter? Mike’s eyes seek permission from mine as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close. He kisses me and the crowd goes wild. It’s just like the kiss we shared in my bed a few days ago—a little more than just friends, but not exactly like lovers. Whatever it is, I allow myself to feel it and the crowd cheers their approval.

Author Bio:
I’m a wife, a mom and a dog lover. I’m also a taxi, problem fixer, extreme multi-tasker and my kids biggest fan in anything that they do. I love to write, so when my career suddenly derailed I turned back to my love of writing. I married my high school sweetheart… how cool is that? Margaritas and sarcasm make me happy. Chocolate makes that happiness grow exponentially. People who make me laugh are my favorite kind of people. I believe Karma is a bitch who slaps back hard and that mean people suck. I’m California born and raised, I love the beach but hate the sand. The Acceptance Series is my first series with more books to come soon.


Loving Kate #3

Breaking Kate #1

Catching Kate #1.5

Releasing Kate #2

Cover Reveal: Kyle's Return by LP Dover

Title: Kyle's Return
Author: LP Dover
Series: Gloves Off #5
Genre: New Adult, Romance, Suspense
Expected Release Date: June 1, 2015
Cover Design: Mae I Design

I promised myself I’d stay away from dangerous men, but I couldn’t live up to that when Kyle Andrews came back to town. He’s a manipulator, a guy who’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants, sabotaging anyone who gets in the way. After a fatal fight left him wounded, his UFC career comes to a close. He has nothing, but he’s determined to get it all back.

My name is Megan. I’ve known violence, pain, and what it feels like to be scared to live another day. All of that changed the moment I refused to be a victim. Now that my psychotic ex, Alex, can’t find me, I’ve been given a second chance. I owe my life to my friends. The same goes for Kyle. Without him, I wouldn’t be able to feel.

Everyone hates him. But for the life of me I don’t. There’s something about him I can’t ignore. Being with Kyle makes me want it all. However, in loving a hated man, I didn’t know it’d bring the life I fled from back to haunt me. Everywhere I go danger lurks and bad things happen. Kyle believes it’s because of him, but I’m starting to think otherwise. I think Alex has found me, and if so, this time he’s not going to let me go.

Author Bio:
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, L.P. Dover, is a southern belle residing in North Carolina along with her husband and two beautiful girls. Before she even began her literary journey she worked in Periodontics enjoying the wonderment of dental surgeries.

Not only does she love to write, but she loves to play tennis, go on mountain hikes, white water rafting, and you can't forget the passion for singing. Her two number one fans expect a concert each and every night before bedtime and those songs usually consist of Christmas carols.

Aside from being a wife and mother, L.P. Dover has written over nine novels including her Forever Fae series, the Second Chances series, and her standalone novel, Love, Lies, and Deception. Her favorite genre to read is romantic suspense and she also loves writing it. However, if she had to choose a setting to live in it would have to be with her faeries in the Land of the Fae.

L.P. Dover is represented by Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency.


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