Tuesday, September 3, 2024

August Book of the Month: Enemy Mine by Davidson King


Westford #1
Imagine heading the entire Irish Mafia…and despising it.

Fred Brennan’s father was a brutal man, both professionally and personally. When the kingpin died a few years ago, Fred welcomed it, but not the brutal role he was thrust into. As a successful doctor, he’s devoted his life to helping people in a career he loves. The last thing he wants is to continue to fill his father’s shoes, but after three years, he’s no closer to offloading his dad’s title onto someone else. As a mafia boss, he’s forced to deal with the elite assassin organization, Lex Talionis…bringing him face to face with the infuriating man who runs it.

As head of Lex Talionis, secrecy is vital to Vincenzo Belini and his organization. Nothing could coax him into the light to reveal himself to Fred. That is until dangerous adversaries emerge from the shadows, all vying for Fred’s life. Vincenzo knows the enemy is closer than Fred realizes. He just has to convince Fred he’s not one of them because for as much of a pain Fred can be, Vincenzo is exactly the right man to keep him focused—both in and out of the bedroom.

Someone is threatening Fred’s throne, power, and all the responsibilities that come with the title. Despite Fred not wanting any of these things, he can’t let them fall into the wrong hands. Can he rely on Vincenzo to help take down the growing enemy and give Fred the happy ending he’s always wanted?

Enemy Mine is a spinoff series within the Haven Hart series. It doesn’t follow the main story arc. Fred was introduced in Secret Simon, Head Rush, and Law of Retaliation. While it is a standalone it’s recommended you read those three books first.

HOLY HANNAH BATMAN!!! I know that seems to be a common expression in my Davidson King reviews but when she keeps telling stories that grab my attention and have no intention of letting go, well how can anything short of "HOLY HANNAH BATMAN!!!" be my response?

When Fred was first introduced to us in Secret Simon, I knew he was a man ill treated and hurting but I never expected to find myself cheering for him in his own story.  Here I am though rooting for him and loving every second of it.  Fred is a man who overcame so much to be the doctor he dreamed of being but unfortunately he was unable to escape the role he was reluctantly destined for: mob boss. Through yet another tragedy, Fred finds a piece of himself he never wanted to admit was there: ruthlessness needed to exact revenge.  I just want to wrap the man in the hardest Mama Bear Hug possible and let him know that Doctor Fred is not lost just stepping back to let Boss Fred do what must be done.

Lets talk Vin for a moment. I know only Fred calls him "Vin" and I know how to spell "Vincenzo" but my fingers type faster than my brain so "Vin" he will forever be hereπŸ˜‰.  Being the head of the assassin organization Lex Talionis, you know that Vin is dangerous and knowing he does so in secrecy just adds a whole extra layer of "Watch out world!" to his existence.  And yet, when it comes to Fred Brennan there is, well I hate to use the word "softness" for him so let's just say Fred brings a certain unexpectedness to the surface and done so with very little actual contact between the two.  Perhaps that says more about Fred than Vin but either way I think it gives us an incredible peak into Vin's soul.  Don't get me wrong, Vin is mayhem personified but that look at his heart shows just perfectly paired the two men are.

So often characters fall into a bad or good guy category but Davidson King has a special knack at showing the myriad of placement of the grey scale in between.  Despite all that must be done both Fred and Vin reside within that grey scale, they don't just reside there, they own it and for me that is what makes them so fun to get to know and to love.

As to the mystery within the pages of Enemy Mine I won't reveal anything other than to say despite being certain of the culprit halfway through, King throws enough curveballs that made me question until shortly before the baddie is exposed.  Many authors can weave a web of deceit but the list is much shorter that I feel blend it with romance and detailed world building.  Davidson King began her mob world in Haven Hart and now expands to Westford but it's so detailed, so descriptive, so complete that I feel like I'm living in that universe not just observing but totally immersed. Enemy Mine is a definite win win in all around storytelling in practically all columns but sci-fi, paranormal, and rom com(although there is enough humorous moments between Fred and Vin that I can't completely rule out the latter labelπŸ˜‰).

Blogger Note: For those who have not read King's Haven Hart universe I highly recommend doing so.  Enemy Mine is the author's first entry in her newest HH spinoff, Westford series and focuses on Fred Brennan, reluctant head of the Brennan Family.  We first met Fred in HH #8, Secret Simon and then saw even more of him in the next one, Head Rush as well as the HH/Joker's Sin co-series entry Law of Retaliation.  I mention this because these 3 HH entries are a different story arc than the original 7, I can't imagine reading Enemy Mine without experiencing HH from the beginning but it is not necessary by any means, I'm just a series-read-in-order kind of galπŸ˜‰.  You won't be lost at all however there are few minor cameos/references to the HH families but I would seriously recommend reading Secret, Head, & Law first.  The author does an excellent job on a little backstory to let you know what got Fred to where he is but I think experiencing those 3 books as a whole just gives the reader a deeper and more complete picture of and connection to Fred Brennan.


My life was a series of bad events leading to worse and ending with the most awful thing you could think of. Nothing worked out for me, and the moment it appeared it would, I’d simply say, “Stick around a minute and watch it all burn.”

I sipped my coffee as I looked out onto the garden. Most people couldn’t say they’d died before. I had…a few times. Each time I’d seen no light, no hope, nothing. But I’d always wished that someday I wouldn’t survive death. I had dreams of being a doctor, and I’d fulfilled that. But it was literally all I had to live for…and wasn’t that sad? I’d lost everything that had meant anything to me. It had been shredded and the little I’d held dear, ripped from my grasp.

I stood and walked over to the rosebush. The scent evoked a rare happy memory from my childhood…running through my grandmother’s garden, my Sunday clothes covered in dirt and tiny tears from the thorns. I’d giggle as she chased me, yelling with no threat in her voice. Until I was eight, I’d gone to her house during the spring months when there was no one to watch me, and those had been my favorite times. It was probably why spring was my favorite season. Two birds flew overhead, dancing in a spiral maneuver and I smiled as I thought about my grandmother.

With a sigh, I went to the table and once again took my coffee in hand.

“Your company is here,” Timothy, one of my staff, announced. I turned and smiled when I saw Rush and Simon walking over.

“Thank you guys for coming. Please, sit. Are you thirsty, hungry?”

“We’re good—just curious why you called us here.” Rush sat, and Simon took the seat beside him.

“I haven’t seen you both for a while…since the funeral, anyway, and my life has been sort of a mess for the last year…but also wonderful.”

Their expressions were warm. “We’ve heard some things but honestly, aside from whatever Snow and Pops mention, we aren’t too familiar with everything.” Simon shrugged. “Are you okay?”

“I wasn’t.” I sighed. “I’ve been through a lot in my short life. I’d hoped it was over and I was going to find balance, but every time I did, something would pull the carpet out from under me.”

“We’d like to hear it all from you, Fred.” Rush reached over and patted my leg.

“Well, I suppose to properly tell you this story, I’ll have to start from the end.”

Simon cocked his head. “The end?”

“Yep, because it wasn’t until after I died, that my end became my beginning.”

Rush chuckled. “I have a feeling this will be good.”

I sat back and began.

“Once upon a time…”

“No,” Simon barked. “Be real.”

“Fine.” I rolled my eyes. “This is a story about betrayal, about my enemies, and how in the end what kills you are the things you refuse to see that have been in front of you the whole time.”

Saturday's Series Spotlight
Haven Hart
Part 1  /  Part 2  /  Part 3

Joker's Sin

Davidson King
Davidson King, always had a hope that someday her daydreams would become real-life stories. As a child, you would often find her in her own world, thinking up the most insane situations. It may have taken her awhile, but she made her dream come true with her first published work, Snow Falling.

When she's not writing you can find her blogging away on Diverse Reader, her review and promotional site. She managed to wrangle herself a husband who matched her crazy and they hatched three wonderful children.

If you were to ask her what gave her the courage to finally publish, she'd tell you it was her amazing family and friends. Support is vital in all things and when you're afraid of your dreams, it will be your cheering section that will lift you up.

EMAIL: davidsonkingauthor@yahoo.com

Enemy Mine #1

Haven Hart Universe

Joker's Sin
