Monday, July 29, 2024

πŸŽ…πŸŽ†πŸŽ„Monday's Memorial Moment-Xmas in JulyπŸŽ„πŸŽ†πŸŽ…: A Christmas Cotillion by Ellie Thomas


England, 1820. Bachelor Jonathan Cavendish has become reclusive in the years following a failed romance with the love of his life. In the years following their split, he has thrown all his energy into restoring the small estate he inherited from a great uncle and has put aside any thoughts of romance.

Although he’d rather remain at home alone for the festive season, this year he’s accompanying his cousin Freddy to a Christmas country house party. Freddie seems to be constantly falling in love and, on this occasion, he is infatuated with a young lady called Belinda. Jonathan is asked by Freddy’s anxious mother to accompany him to the house party to keep an eye on the situation, in case the young lady turns out to be an unsuitable choice.

Despite this inauspicious beginning, Jonathan catches the eye of Nick, the handsome son of a local well-to-do farmer, who is a constant presence at the holiday entertainments. Nick is intrigued by Jonathan’s kindness and also by the sadness he hides from public view.

The initial attraction between the men seems to be mutual, but can Nick break through Jonathan’s defences and teach him to love again?

A Christmas Cotillion is a lovely little gem of holiday heart.  I purchased this book last December but never got a chance to read it during the holiday season and I couldn't think of a better addition to my Xmas in July reads.

For a short holiday novella there really is quite a few paths told.  At the heart of the story is Jonathan Cavendish, a bachelor who may not fit the bill of "youthful" in 1820 but is not "over the hill" or "about to be put out to pasture" by any meansπŸ˜‰.  His heart was dealt a blow in the past and has led him to be a bit reclusive in the years since but now restoring a small inherited estate has begun to re-energize his soul though not in the way of wanting to find romance again but enough to answer the call to act as a chaperone to his romantically inclined cousin.

Finding himself in the middle of certain social entertainments for the holiday, Jonathan deals with his cousin's romantic entanglements and befriends said cousin's apparent intended as well as catching the eye of a certain local farmer's son.  There are so many things going on here during Jonathan's return to the holiday social scene that I don't want to spoil anything so I'll just say this: YUMMY!

Looking at the author's backlist I realize I haven't even begun to make a dent in said list but with each new discovery the need to devour more increases. Sorry to say that though my reading mojo is returning more and more the farther out from the pandemic we get it still isn't pre-Covid levels and said mojo-lacking years I've grown quite a backlog of readings that doesn't always leave room for new discoveries.  I will get to Ellie Thomas' backlist and I look forward to it because what I've read(and Christmas Cotillion is a prime example of that) meshes entertainment with a healthy  respect for history and that is always a win win in my heart and head.


Mr Hammond’s chance came when Jonathan was on the dance floor, already partnered for the next dance. Belinda, for once, was unaccompanied but still standing up, as though eager to join in. Mr Hammond was near her, but unfortunately looking in the other direction.

Jonathan glanced over in helpless frustration, not wanting to abandon his young dance partner in the middle of the floor just as the music was about to start. As he again looked from one to the other, he caught the eye of the handsome farmer’s son. He was serving refreshments amongst those who had taken part in the last set of dances. He followed his direction of Jonathan’s scrutiny clearly with a sharply raised eyebrow.

As if receiving intelligence, he nodded at Jonathan decisively, put down his tray on a side table and eased the few yards through the gaggle of couples approaching the dance floor and tapped Mr Hammond on the shoulder.

Luckily, just then the music started and Jonathan saw his expressive face indicating a social dilemma. He nodded towards Belinda and then pointed to the momentarily abandoned tray as if explaining why he could not partner the young lady for himself. When all had been made clear to Mr Hammond, he received a grateful smile from the young man, as though Mr Hammond was doing the favour. He then turned back to collect the tray and offered the contents to the thirsty crowd.

It was neatly done, with Mr Hammond now obliged by his very good manners to ask the young lady to dance. Mr Hammond braced himself and made his way to Belinda, face flushed with embarrassment as though expecting a rebuff. Instead, he received her hand and a warm smile. Jonathan didn’t realize he was holding his breath until the couple reached the floor, unimpeded.

After a hectic country dance, Jonathan and his puffing partner retired from the fray. He was satisfied to see Mr Hammond and Belinda remain on the floor for the next set of dances, now conversing with apparent ease. As he looked at this with a feeling of pleasure, a glass of sparkling wine was placed in his hand with a murmured, “That was a good notion.”

He looked around in surprise to see the farmer’s son right next to him. Close up, his eyes were very blue indeed and his wide mouth was curved in that increasing familiar smile. Jonathan felt as tongue-tied as Mr Hammond had been previously in Belinda’s presence as he stiffly thanked the young man for his assistance. He seemed unfazed by Jonathan’s constraint.

“Just call me Cupid, or rather Nicholas, or even Nick, if you prefer,” he said with another dazzling grin, before turning gracefully to serve refreshments to the guests behind Jonathan.

Ellie Thomas

Ellie Thomas lives by the sea. She comes from a teaching background and goes for long seaside walks where she daydreams about history. She is a voracious reader especially about anything historical. She mainly writes historical romance.

Ellie also writes historical erotic romance under the pen name L. E. Thomas.