Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Guys and Gals of Murder, Mayhem and Mystery Author Spotlight: RP Dahlke

Author Bio:
I write humorous mysteries about an annoyingly tenacious tall, blonde and beautiful, ex-model turned crop-duster who, to quote Lalla Bains, says: “I've been married so many times they oughta revoke my license.” I wanted to give readers a peek at a not so-perfect life of a woman who is not afraid of chipping her manicure because she doesn't have time for a manicure, what with herding a bunch of recalcitrant pilots and juggling work orders just to keep her father’s flagging business alive.

Beginning with #4 in the series, A Dead Red Alibi, Lalla and her family will reside in South East Arizona where she will divide her time between a fledgling P.I. business with cousin, Pearlie Bains, and volunteering as a team member with  Cochise County Search and Rescue.

I also write a romantic sailing mystery trilogy: A Dangerous Harbor and Hurricane Hole. Coming in 2015: Dead Rise


My favorite TV Heroes and Heroines by RP Dahlke
Because I write mysteries with humor, I DVR the T.V. detectives that make me laugh: Monk, The Mentalist, and Elementary are some of my favorites. I think it's great when an actor finds his, or her, niche in a series. I remember Tony Shaloub as the Italian cabdriver Antonio Scarpacci in the long-running sitcom Wings, with Tim Daly and Steven Weber, and as the face morphing, and still funny, alien in Men in Black. I always thought Simon Baker was a hunk, and I love that his part in The Mentalist allows him to show his great smile. Did you know that Simon Baker is Australian, and Johnny Lee Miller of Elementary is not English. Some viewers complain that he mumbles his lines to cover the fact that he can't get the accent right. I don't mind, I just turn up the volume.

As for women sleuths, there hasn't been anything like Murder She Wrote, on main stream American T.V. since that program went off  the air. I liked Miss Marple on PBS, but then I discovered PBS's Miss Phryne Fisher played by the gorgeous Essie Davis. She's a young flapper living in 1920's Melbourne, Australia. A fashionista (I'd kill for her wardrobe) she carries a pearl handled pistol (my kind of gal), she has funny side-kicks, she's also funny, smart, and has great romantic escapades.

So, until the television moguls in Hollywood decide to do the Dead Red Mystery series featuring, sassy smart and funny heroines who uncover the killer and along the way find, if not the undying gratitude of the local police, at least a sense of fulfillment in a job well done.

A Dead Red Cadillac

A Dead Red Heart

Fun Facts:
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  1. Thanks so much for the interview and promo. Your site looks great!

  2. R.P., loved your post on favorite TV Heroes and Heroines! Congratulations on being a part of such a great group, eNovels Authors At Work.

  3. Great post and Interview, thanks for hosting this
