Saturday, May 23, 2015

Release Day Blitz: Life After Light by ES Maria

Title: Life After Light
Author: ES Maria
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 23, 2015
Hannah Mackenzie is perfection. She's effortlessly beautiful, intelligent, and popular, and is about to head to the big city to pursue a law degree at one of Sydney's best universities. Joining her is boyfriend Paul, aka Mr. Perfect.

Yes, Hannah has it all.

A perfect life. A perfect love.

She feels invincible.

That is, until one night, when she realises that she is not.

One by one, the perfect pieces of her life starts falling apart.

And she's losing it all.

Her perfect life. Her perfect love.

Now all she has left is darkness.

And as if her life isn't complicated enough, it turns for the worse upon the return of Atticus Foster. Hannah once saw past his fractured soul, and she gave him her heart three years ago, only to have it shattered when he suddenly left town without saying goodbye. Now he's back, forcing her to question if the perfection she sought was just to guise the broken heart she could, yet wouldn't mend.

This is Hannah Mackenzie's story of great love, of heartbreak, of devastating loss, of forgiveness through acceptance. But most of all, this is Hannah's realisation, that the only way to break through the darkness is to allow her heart to lead the way.

1. What is the biggest influence/interest that brought you to this genre?
The concept of a happily ever after, and how we all have different interpretations of it, as well as different ways in getting there.

2. When writing a book, what is your favorite part of the creative process(outline, plot, character names, editing, etc)?
My favourite part is plotting the story. I always have a notepad or my Evernote app on my phone handy to write plot points, ideas, dialogues, etc. My least favourite would have to be edits, especially the first round ones. That's when I start questioning my thought process and wonder why I even wrote such an abominable scene in the first place! Lol!

3. When reading a book, what genre do you find most interesting/intriguing?
I'm always drawn to romance, but more specifically:
New Adult because of the whole coming of age and discovering what true love is.
Dramatic because sometimes I need to have a good cry and to appreciate my usually drama-free life.
Suspense because I love a good edge of your seat, clammy hands sort of adrenalin rush.
And Erotic, because who doesn't love sexy times?
But what I read depends on my mood, or what kind of escape I'm after at the time.

4. If you could co-author with any author, past or present, who would you choose?
There are so many writers I'd love to collaborate with! Maya Angelou is inspirational, Jane Austin is a romance legend, Colleen Hoover is crazy talented and generous, and of course Mia Sheridan because I just love her and the words she writes!

5. Have you always wanted to write or did it come to you "later in life"?
I've been an avid reader and have been writing since I was a tween. They were mostly short stories. I think at one point I even wrote a song. But I set it aside when life got busier and more complicated. Eventually I got married and had my kids. I rediscovered my love for reading, which eventually led to a story developing in my head. Autumn Falls was the first book I've published, then Autumn Reigns. These two books formed The Autumn Series, which is mostly erotic, with drama and suspense. Life After Light is my third novel. It's a standalone, and my first attempt at writing in a New Adult genre. I must admit though, I'm enjoying NA and have started writing a new story in this genre again. Thing is, because I love to read different styles of romance, I wanted my stories to be just as varied as well. I love that I am able to do that, and hope the readers will enjoy the stories I've written so far. :)

Thank you for giving me an interview. Hope you have an amazing day! :)

Author Bio:
Since I was a little girl, I've been in love with books and storytelling. One of my fondest memories as a child, is spending hours in a cafe or restaurant with my mum, people-watching and making up interesting stories about their lives.

Now I'm all grown up. I married a beautiful man, raising two wonderful children together while balancing a career in finance. Yes, I'm living my very own happily ever after!

But the love of storytelling never left me. So I put my fingers to keyboard and started my journey. Now, I'm about to publish my very first novel, with the second and last book of the series all done and just waiting to be tweaked. And did I mention I have a whole stack of other book ideas waiting to be written?

I'm excited, I hope you will be too! :)

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