Monday, May 4, 2015

Vibrizzio by Nicki Elson

Title: Vibrizzio
Author: Nicki Elson
Genre: Contemporary Adult Romance
Release Date: April 21, 2015
Publisher: Swoon Romance
Lyssa Bates doesn’t need a man. Not when the world is fully-stocked with double A batteries and a wide array of options in Amazon’s health and sexual wellness category. After yet another failed relationship, the twenty-six-year-old investment analyst is convinced that real guys aren’t ever going to live up to her expectations—so why should she bother with them? She’s determined to keep her dating life purely electronic…though she occasionally fantasizes about Hayden King, the delicious new associate she just got partnered with at work.

While Lyssa manages her romantic risks by deleting men from of the equation, the ever-charming Hayden protects his heart by diversifying his love life across multiple women. As the two young professionals travel together around the country for business, their flirty working relationship develops into a close friendship that hurtles toward something more. Between hot tub confessions in Baltimore, an accidental kiss in Dallas, and an all-nighter in Chicago, Hayden proves himself to be better than any fantasy.

1. What is the biggest influence/interest that brought you to this genre?
I just love love, I guess. The first story I ever wrote happened after a beloved series ended (Harry Potter). My heart broke for a character whose story had wrapped up rather pathetically. I was compelled to give him his happily ever after and ended up writing a novel length fanfiction. After that I became addicted to making up my own characters and giving them their HEAs too.

2. When writing a book, what is your favorite part of the creative process (outline, plot, character names, editing, etc)?
The second and third drafts are my favorite phase of the writing process. Facing blank pages during the first draft is so intimidating to me. I like to have a blob of words that I can mess around with and mold into something better. Tied with that is the “noodling” phase—when the story is forming in my mind and I think and think and think about it (some might call it daydreaming).

3. When reading a book, what genre do you find most interesting/intriguing?
Epic fantasies are my favorite to read. I love getting transported other worlds filled with magic and mythical beings. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is on my reading agenda for the summer. I also enjoy a good contemporary love story as well as classics like Emma, Jane Eyre, and Gone with the Wind. The one thing any book I read has to have is humor. I can’t love anything that doesn’t make me laugh.

4. If you could co-author with any author, past or present, who would you choose?
I think Jane Austen and I could have a really good time cookin’ something up. I’d love to talk her into co-writing a sci-fi Regency-esque romance with me.

5. Have you always wanted to write or did it come to you "later in life"?
I definitely fall into the “late bloomer” category. I realize now that I’ve always had stories playing around in my head, but I never sat down and actually wrote one all the way through until I was a mom with two kids in grade school. At the time I had a super boring part-time day job, and that’s what I credit for giving me time to let my mind wander. I became so obsessed with my recurring daydream that I had to write it down.

Before that my writing was business related—financial reports, memos for the PTA, that sort of thing. I developed a passion for words and communicating ideas, so it was only a matter of time before I turned that passion toward fiction.

Thank you so much for having me over during the blog tour! I had a blast writing VIBRIZZIO, and I hope readers will have as much fun reading it.

Author Bio:
Writing wasn't something Nicki set out to do; it just sort of happened when she realized writing reports was by far her favorite part of her investment consulting position. She traded stock allocation and diversification for story arcs and dialogue and now weaves her creative writing time in with the other activities of her busy life with her family in the Chicago suburbs.

Nicki writes with two goals in mind: #1 to keep the characters realistic, even when their circumstances are anything but, and #2 to make the reader feel. Watch for her new title Vibrizzio, coming in 2015 from Swoon Romance. Her published works include Three Daves, a light-hearted romantic romp through a 1980s college campus, Divine Temptation, a romantic novel of angelic proportions, and Hans & Greta: a Twisted Fairy Tale Novella. Her published short stories include “Sway” (available as a single), “I Don’t Do Valentine’s Day” (part of A Valentine Anthology), and “Impressionism 101” (included in the debut issue of Insatiable: The Magazine of Paranormal Desire.


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