Saturday, September 26, 2015

#eNovAaW Women of Words: A Dead Red Miracle by R.P. Dahlke & Goody One Shoe by Julie Frayn

A Dead Red Miracle
Thinking  to jump start their careers as private investigators in Wishbone, Arizona, cousins Lalla and Pearlie Bains buy into it with a local P.I.

But their nifty plan starts circling the drain when his unscrupulous business practices end in his untimely death and they discover that he's been stealing clients and two-timing everyone else.

With only a week before the state pulls their business license, Lalla and Pearlie will have to corral a wall-climbing Apache ninja, pacify their former boss's greedy ex-wives and nail a killer. Sure Lalla and Pearlie are in a really tight spot, but all they need is a miracle or two.

Goody One Shoe
Billie Fullalove witnesses the murder of her parents at the hands of a gun-wielding thug. In the melee, Billie loses a leg. But her Batmanesque beginnings don’t turn her into a superhero. Yet. Billie survives her lonely childhood and settles into a solitary life, pursuing her dream of being an editor in a top publishing house. Unable to avenge her parents' unsolved murder, she is accosted by news stories of bad guys going free thanks to an inept court system. She wields her red pen and edits the newspaper to fight evil forces, right wrongs, and bring justice to victims. When her edits come true, and criminals start dying, Billie must discover the vigilante’s identity before they act out more of her revenge fantasies.

Author Bios:
RP Dahlke
I write humorous mysteries about an annoyingly tenacious tall, blonde and beautiful, ex-model turned crop-duster who, to quote Lalla Bains, says: “I’ve been married so many times they oughta revoke my license.” I wanted to give readers a peek at a not so-perfect life of a woman who is not afraid of chipping her manicure because she doesn’t have time for a manicure, what with herding a bunch of recalcitrant pilots and juggling work orders just to keep her father’s flagging business alive.

Beginning with #4 in the series, A Dead Red Alibi, Lalla and her family will reside in South East Arizona where she will divide her time between a fledgling P.I. business with cousin, Pearlie Bains, and volunteering as a team member with  Cochise County Search and Rescue.

I also write a romantic sailing mystery trilogy: A Dangerous Harbor and Hurricane Hole.

Julie Frayn 
Bean counter by day, Julie Frayn spends her off hours penning award-winning novels and short stories that pack a punch. And a few stabs. When not working or writing, Julie spend as much time as possible with her babies. Well, they're grown adults now, but they still think she's cool. Right kids? Right? Hello?

In grade school, Julie was a math whiz, loved to write stories and poems in English class, and had an artistic flair for pencil drawings and pen and ink pointillism. When it came time to choose a career, she was torn between three loves. Her artistic brain ached to create. But her practical side, and the need to eat, won out. Though she's devoted her career to numbers, she revels in the written word.

RP Dahlke

Julie Frayn

A Dead Red Miracle(FREE on Amazon 9/28 - 10/2)

Goody One Shoe(On sale for $0.99)

Want to meet the rest of the 
 #eNovAaW Women of Words?

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