Friday, September 25, 2015

#eNovAaW Women of Words: Million Dollar Question by Ellie Campbell & Chloe's Rescue Mission by Rosie Dean

Million Dollar Question
Just as a huge financial scandal throws New Yorker, Olivia Wheeler, from wealth and success to bankruptcy and shame, struggling impoverished single-mother Rosie Dixon wins an unexpected million pounds. Good luck? Bad luck? Who can tell? Both women have more in common than they realize. While Olivia struggles to survive her humiliations, fleeing broke and homeless to London, shy unassuming Rosie discovers sudden riches arrive with their own mega-load of problems.

Can workaholic career-obsessed Olivia find a passion for something earthier and warmer than power and prestige? And can Rosie sift through envy and greed to discover true friends, true family and even true love?

Two strangers who’ve never met. Yet neither realizes how each is affecting the other’s destiny or the places their paths touch and fates entwine.

How will they surmount the pitfalls and perils of their outrageous change of fortune?

That is the million dollar question.

Chloe's Rescue Mission
To save her grandfather’s legacy – The Joshua Steele Theatre – Chloe Steele sells her services to the highest bidder.

Enter leisure tycoon, business angel and playboy, Duncan Thorsen.

But when the bank calls in the debts and the council enforces closure, just how much paparazzi exposure and wheeling and dealing can a girl stomach?

Author Bios:
Ellie Campbell
Ellie Campbell is a pseudonym for sisters, Pam Burks and Lorraine Campbell who collaborate across the mighty Atlantic, finding writing together the perfect excuse for endless phone conversations. They are equally passionate about travel, animals and the great outdoors. Although Pam lives near London, with husband, three children and a dog, while Lorraine is on a Colorado ranch near wild and wonderful Boulder with husband, five horses, five cats, one dog and four chickens – they both believe in enjoying life to the fullest, be it discovering new remote locations or going on trail rides in the beautiful Rocky Mountains.

Rosie Dean
I write romantic fiction with a sense of humour and, sometimes, a sense of the ridiculous. Because we all know life and love aren’t exactly how we’d like them to be.

I’ve been writing stories since I was a little girl, when I was especially industrious and produced dolly-dressing books, complete with a typed story, a dolly to cut out on the back cover, and paper clothing with tabs on. I even sold a couple.

After growing up, I studied ceramic design – gaining a ‘degree in crockery’ as the man-in-my-life likes to call it, which I once put to good use as an Art & Pottery teacher. Deciding I didn’t want to spend my entire life in the classroom, covered in clay and paint, I escaped to the world of corporate communication, where I wrote training courses and marketing copy. Now I’ve given it all up to write, full-time. When not writing, I love to cook and to read, I even read in the car (talking books) and have notched up countless unnecessary miles as a result.

Ellie Campbell

Rosie Dean

Million Dollar Question

Chloe's Rescue Mission(On sale for $0.99)

Want to meet the rest of the 
 #eNovAaW Women of Words?

Fun Facts:
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  1. Thank you for hosting the #eNovAaW Women of Words!

  2. Thanks Heather for hosting Women of Words Book blitz. Much appreciated - Ellie Campbell

  3. Thanks for hosting us today, Padme! As author of 5 mysteries in the Dead Red Mystery series--think mystery with a dash of humor, family values, light romance and more humor-- I'm happy to offer my newest mystery, A Dead Red Miracle as well as a nice Amazon Gift card! Cheers!
