Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Exchange of Power by Andrea Bills

Title: Exchange of Power
Author: Andrea Bills
Series: Power #1
Genre: Adult, Romantic Suspense
Release Date: August 10, 2016

Hannah Mackenzie is married to the love of her life Nick, and they’re beginning to think of starting of a family when that dream comes to a tragic end with the sudden death of her husband. Just when Hannah believes her grief will consume her, she finds her beloved basset hound Presley and her under attack at their home. When she calls in for help from her and Nick’s lifelong best friend Austin he comes over immediately.

Austin brings with him a truth that betrays everything Hannah ever believed and a very sexy bodyguard Jared Tully. Hannah is dealing with very raw emotions from her past while trying to deal with a very real attraction of the present. When it all comes to blows in ways she never would have dreamed she has to make a decision.

Hannah’s flung into a life she never knew existed along with Jared and Austin while they battle an unknown evil that’s targeting her. When they discover the truth they realize the stakes are high and very dangerous.

This is the first in the Power Series and sets the making for a new series that will be sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.

What is the biggest influence/interest that brought you to this genre?
You know the saying you are what you eat? Well I think it can be used in this instance to for, you write what you read. I love to read romance especially paranormal and suspense type romance so it just seemed natural to write that way. Just a plane romance book would be hard for me because I crave that suspense. Writing is such a creative process, and when you add in the paranormal aspect you’ve just opened up this endless opportunity for yourself. So many worlds could be created, or creatures to come to life. I never want to feel trapped in a story, and this genre with these specific sub-genres help me creatively.

When writing a book, what is your favorite part of the creative process (outline, plot, character names, editing, etc.)?
My favorite part is when the book idea first comes to me. Where ever I am whatever I’m doing if I have an idea pop up I try to get to the closest laptop or pen and paper so I can I start exploring new characters. I love figuring out the relationships between the characters and watching it unfold. It’s almost like this tangible thing to me because I get so wrapped up in them I swear they’re like long lost family members. I’ll be driving down the road, and think what are they doing today. I know, I know I probably should get that looked at!

When reading a book, what genre do you find most interesting/intriguing?
I don’t think it’s a specific genre, but I stumbled across a book once that was a romance, but the main character was silent. At first I thought I’d pass on the book, but then I remembered that as an author I should be getting my hands on anything and everything I can to read. So I downloaded it, and the next thing I know I’m three books deep. It was amazing how the author was able to bring her to life even though she had no external dialogue. She had internal dialogue of course, but she was still able to build relationships with the other characters. There was a lot of strength in her writing. I’ve started branching out and reading more of these silent books, and I’m just really impressed with them. I don’t know if it’s something I will write any time soon, but I’ll read them that’s for sure.

If you could co-author with any author, past or present, who would you choose?
My fingers were so giddy to type the answer to this question. It came down to the author that inspired me when I was young, and the author who currently turned my world upside down. It’s like choosing between children; you can’t make me pick one! I digress though. I would choose (drum roll please) Diana Gabaldon. If you haven’t read the Outlander series drop everything and immediately go do so! She is absolutely amazing! I don’t know if I’d even be able to write with her as I would probably faint immediately if I ever met her. Go now and read her work people, and you’ll know why!

Have you always wanted to write or did it come to you “later in life”?
When I was around thirteen years old I was always holed up in my room reading. I read everything that was available to me, and couldn’t find anything that could hold my interest. My dad brought home a Julie Garwood book, Ransom, from the newsstand in town, and I was hooked. It was a little old for me, but I skipped the sex scenes and really focused on the mystery part. I loved her characters, and how she brought entire families to life over the course of several books. Flash forward a year, and I had to write a short story for school. My teacher approached me and said she loved my story and wanted to enter it into a contest. I ended up winning, and that was it. My school never really focused on the arts so I never dreamed of doing it for a career so I got away from writing for a while. I woke up one day after staying up all night reading, and thought to myself why did I ever give up writing. So I knew I wanted to write when I was young, I just didn’t realize I could until I was older.

Author Bio:
Andrea spends her time while she's not dreaming up friends and villains alike chasing after her two kids and husband at their home in rural West Virginia.

Her guilty pleasure once the kids are asleep is to read. She reads everything she can get her hands on and then she reads it over and over and over again. Her all time favorite book is secretly tucked away under her bed looking very war battered from the hundreds of reads.

The Power Series is her breakthrough series as an indie author. She attributes her writing skills to her overactive imagination, and her husbands wacky dreams.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for hosting me today! I loved your interview questions!
