Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Juliet & The Initiation by Kailee Reese Samuels

Titles: Juliet & The Initiation
Author: Kailee Reese Samuels
Genre: Erotica, Romance
Release Dates: Juliet: December 20, 2016
The Initiation: April 20, 2015

To have and hold, love and cherish,  til death do us part…

When an unexpected twist of fate hands Iris her worst nightmare, the world spins out of control. As she falls apart, Iris finds comfort in her unpredictable behavior. With mysterious clues hidden by her husband, Iris drives away from her life to uncover the world he kept hidden for years.

Small town Sugargrove, Texas is unlike anything Iris has ever experienced. Foreboding, dark, and sensual, the enchanting Juliet academy lures Iris with hopes of discovering who she really is.  Making friends and meeting people, she delves into the treacherous world of her surrender. But when she encounters Salvatore Raniero, the sexy alpha male ignites her in unimaginable ways, haunting her every thought and showing her a new kind of high.

As she learns Sal is more than the mischievous sexual provocateur of Juliet, revealing a composed and thoughtful side, Iris wonders what else is hiding behind his mesmerizing ebony, emerald eyes. Pushing her into an even deeper erotic journey, Iris soars with her newfound freedom in the collar.

The secrets unfurl as the web of lies continues to grow, and Iris realizes she is not the girl she once was. Trapped between a lonely past and an unknown future, she is left with the daunting task of deciding what she truly desires and who she wants to obey.

A love story doesn’t always go the way it should, sometimes the path to forever is a twisting, spiraling, and flying ride.

WARNING: This book contains graphic BDSM, strong sexual situations, and explicit language. Contents intended for MATURE readers 18+ ONLY.

The Initiation
Five years ago, Sal Raniero was a loyal son and responsible friend. Giving everything he had to his family and friends, he was on his way to becoming the man everyone expected. But he harbored a dark secret.

He needed pain…a lot of pain.

With his masochism searing through his veins when the offer is put before him to push his servitude further, he cannot resist. Between praying and playing on his knees, he is confronted with the last thing he expects. 

His heart. 

Torn between becoming the golden boy of Juliet and just another guy with a fetish streak, he makes a decision that will chart the course for the rest of his life. 

Take the journey with him and discover what made the boy into the man.

THE INITIATION is part of Kailee Reese Samuels’ series of novellas. Scenes from Juliet are all new companion books to Juliet. These are not excerpts from Juliet, but further glimpses into the characters, backstory, and behind-the-scenes. While they can standalone, they would be better enjoyed with the preliminary reading of Juliet.

What is the biggest influence/interest that brought you to this genre?
My biggest influence has really been my life and having been in the lifestyle for twenty years. I think my experience in my own relationships—the learning, growing, and changing together—really resonates in my work.

When writing a book, what is your favorite part of the creative process (outline, plot, character names, editing, etc)?
For Juliet, the process started with the opening scenes, taking this young woman who is utterly decimated and building her back up. My favorite part is the initial brainstorming (“throw up on the page”) that forms the bones of the book, and then the building and shaping through editing. I also really enjoy the cover design and promo aspects; that place where the words merge with the pictures is super magical. I actually love all aspects of writing and publishing.

When reading a book, what genre do you find most interesting/intriguing?
I read a lot of new adult, romantic suspense, and dark/horror erotica. When I started writing knowing that I was going to publish, I went into it writing the book that I would love to read.

If you could co-author with any author, past or present, who would you choose?
I adore both Molly Weatherfield and R. Lee Smith. Fangirl doesn’t even begin to touch upon the respect and admiration I have for both of them.

Have you always wanted to write or did it come to you "later in life"?
I have been writing poetry since I was five. I always loved writing and decided to publish after a long illness in 2013 - now or never mentality! So happy I chose the now! I really appreciate your questions and could go on for hours talking about writing and Juliet. Thank you for taking time to talk with me!

Author Bio:
Embracing diversity. Coffee addict. Mango lover. Blueberry fetishist. Sweet peach tea crazy. Red wine devout. Whiskey deviant. Tattooed & pierced. Loves shoes. Collects rosaries. Fanatical organizer/cleaner/list-maker. Never sleeps. Hermit and recluse.


KAILEE REESE SAMUELS has been spinning tales since she can remember. Her books are contemporary fiction with a no-holds-barred attitude. She adores listening to her characters ramble and putting them into situations that push the boundaries.

Creativity is the way to change.



The Initiation

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