Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Amid Stars and Darkness by Chani Lynn Feener

Title: Amid Stars and Darkness
Author: Chani Lynn Feener
Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Romance
Release Date: July 18, 2017
Publisher: Swoon Reads

Delaney’s entire world is thrown into chaos after she is mistaken for Lissa Olena, an alien princess hiding out on Earth in order to escape an arranged marriage.

Kidnapped by the princess’s head bodyguard, Ruckus, and imprisoned in an alien palace, Delaney is forced to impersonate the princess until Olena can be found. If she fails, it will lead to an alien war and the eventual enslavement of the entire human race.

No pressure or anything.

Factor in Trystan, the princess’s terrifying betrothed who is intent on unraveling all her secrets, and her own growing feelings for Ruckus, and Delaney is in way over her head.

Get lost Amid Stars and Darkness, in this YA sci-fi romance from debut author Chani Lynn Feener.

What is the biggest influence/interest that brought you to this genre?
I’ve always loved young adult fiction. When I was growing up, it really helped me get through some tough times, either by taking me out of my head for a while, or making me feel less alone through relatable characters. I knew that that was something I wanted to hopefully provide for someone else. An escape from reality for a little.

When writing a book, what is your favorite part of the creative process(outline, plot, character names, editing, etc)?
I’m a panster, so I don’t do much plotting ahead of time, but I love looking up character names! There’s something great about naming them that makes them more real and vivid in my mind!

When reading a book, what genre do you find most interesting/intriguing?
I typically like books with paranormal elements. I’m not a big high fantasy fan, oddly enough, but I love hints of magic and the supernatural to pop up throughout whatever I’m reading.

If you could co-author with any author, past or present, who would you choose?
Though she mostly writes contemporary, and I’ve only ever even attempted to write one book in that genre myself, I would love to co-author something with Kasie West! Her characters are always so relatable and the stories always carry me straight through from start to end without pause.

Have you always wanted to write or did it come to you "later in life"?
I realized I wanted to be an author around nine or ten, during fifth grade story time. My teacher was reading us the BFG and it sort of just hit me that someone wrote this as a job. That’s when I knew for certain that it was what I wanted to do.

Author Bio:
Chani Lynn Feener has wanted to be a writer since the age of ten during fifth grade story time. She majored in Creative Writing at Johnson State College in Vermont, and graduated in 2012. To pay her bills, she has worked many odd jobs, including, but not limited to, telemarketing, order picking in a warehouse, and filling ink cartridges. When she isn’t writing, she’s binging TV shows, drawing, or frequenting zoos/aquariums. Chani is the author of Amid Stars and Darkness and the teen paranormal series the Underworld Saga, originally written under the penname Tempest C. Avery. She currently resides in Connecticut, but lives on Goodreads.



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