Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blog Tour: Monsters & Angels by Anne Marie Andrus

Title: Monsters & Angels
Author: Anne Marie Andrus
Genre: New Adult, Historical, Paranormal Romance
Release Date: October 11, 2017

Fledgling nurse Sorcha Alden knew she had the skills to save lives, but she never dreamed that her own life would be the one in danger.

Driven by tragedy to honor her family name, Sorcha embarks on a journey that takes her from the bleak but familiar streets of New York, through the sultry and seductive city of New Orleans, and into the brutal jungles of Nepal. Forging friendships and carrying on her mother’s mission of healing was her dream. Plunging into a love affair with the mysterious Dr. Ashayle could have been a fairytale.

Being murdered and waking up as a blood-thirsty monster—became her living nightmare.

Torn away form a life that had just begun, Sorcha returns to New Orleans as a newborn vampire, forced to start over in a cutthroat underworld of devilry and decadence. Complicated politics, bitter rivals and jealous ancestors stand between her and the promises she’s still determined to keep.

In a realm where the boundary between good and evil is as murky as the Mississippi River and immortal does not mean invincible, will Sorcha ever risk her shattered heart and love again? Can the magical harmony of the Crescent City give her enough courage to fulfill her eternal destiny?

What is the biggest influence/interest that brought you to this genre?
Reading weird, creepy and scary stories has always mesmerized me. As a teenager, I got completely hooked on Stephen King’s novels. I stayed up late many nights, scaring myself silly.

The fascination with vampires began much later. I’ll admit up front that this sounds silly…but…General Hospital had a spin-off called Port Charles in the late 1990’s. That’s when it dawned on me that dark and gothic could be eternally sexy. Then vampires seemed to be everywhere. I’m currently surrounded. 😊

When writing a book, what is your favorite part of the creative process?
The part of my creative process that feels like absolute magic, is when I’m deep in the writing cave and a new character is born. A few of my main characters are well planned, but there is always that one who steps out of the smoke and takes center stage…exactly when you need them.

When reading a book, what genre do you find most interesting/intriguing?
While I’m drawn to anything that hints at the supernatural, I find myself intrigued by historical settings…and castles. There can never be enough crumbling stone buildings. Stones store memories, good and bad. Memories often spawn ghosts…in castles.

If you could co-author with any author, past or present, who would you choose?
I would love the opportunity to co-author or collaborate with screenwriter Aaron Sorkin. His fast-paced, “walk and talk” dialogue style is what I aim for in my grand, high-tension scenes.

Have you always wanted to write or did it come to you "later in life"?
I’ve always liked to write. During high-school (a long time ago), I wrote a paper on Stephen King that I thought was pretty awesome. I wound up with B-minus and a frownie face, mostly based on my footnote formatting. This was back in the days of electric typewriters and correcting tape. If you used that correcto-stuff too much >> bad grade.

The teacher handed the paper back to me and said, “Well, you’re no writer. Stick with Concert Choir.”


I did stick with Concert Choir and Chorale; my best high-school experiences. And playing Moon Beam McSwine in L’il Abner. That was fun too!

I picked up writing again “later in life”, and I’m loving it!

October 2017 is shaping up to be a busy month!

Monsters & Angels is available on Amazon in paperback and E-Book.
I’m also honored to be a contributing author in Dan Alatorre’s anthology of scary stories, The Box Under The Bed !

Thank you, Padme for hosting the Monsters & Angels blog tour!

Author Bio:
Anne Marie has been an equestrienne, chorale singer, candy-striper, EMT, and baseball fan. Roaming the back roads of New Jersey with her family, she found great respect for antiques, historical locations and the stories they hold. Her current list of favorite pastimes include coffee, bourbon, and Les Miserables--which requires more bourbon. She has been known to attend sporting events just for the flyover. The boat she and her husband christened Glory Days, is her escape from the chaos of everyday life.

The inspiration for Anne Marie's debut novel, Monsters & Angels, is her fascination with vampires and her passion for everything New Orleans. When she isn't writing, she can be found working nights with the critical care team in a busy trauma center.


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