Saturday, June 22, 2019

Saturday's Series Spotlight: Colors by Brigham Vaughn

A Brighter Palette #1
Annie Slocum is a bisexual woman struggling to make a living as a freelance writer. Stuck in a rut, she feels bored with her career, her relationships—her life. A chance meeting with Siobhán at a gallery adds a bright spark to her dull life.

Siobhán Murray is a lesbian Irish painter living in Boston. She loves her career, loves her life, but she’s missing the one piece that will make her life complete—a partner. She falls hard for Annie and is delighted to realize Annie inspires her work. But a string of failed relationships has left her wary of bisexual women and wondering if she can trust that Annie won’t leave her.

When Siobhán’s past comes back to haunt them, they’ll have to decide if the new relationship is something that will burn bright and end quickly or if it’s meant to last.

The Greenest Isle #2
When Siobhán Murray gets a call from a neighbor saying her estranged father, Patrick, has been admitted to a hospital after a serious heart attack, she’s desperate to get to Ireland. Her girlfriend, Annie Slocum, books the first possible flight to Dublin for both of them.

Despite their difficult relationship, Siobhán wants to help her father, so she and Annie move in with him during his recovery. Although Annie loves Siobhán and Ireland, and wants to be supportive, she feels out of place and disconnected from Siobhán.

Patrick hasn’t been the same since his wife’s death fifteen years ago, and it takes time and patience for Siobhán and him to work through their issues.

Things slowly begin to improve as Annie figures out a way to expand her Boston-based blog to include some Irish content, and Siobhán’s spark of creativity re-ignites after lying dormant for more than a year.

But there’s one more hurdle they must overcome, and that decision will shape their entire future.

A Brighter Palette #1
Original Review August 2017:
Annie Slocum is a struggling writer who happens to be bisexual and is seriously lacking in inspiration, on all fronts.  Siobhán Murray is an Irish lesbian painter who is happy on all fronts but one, love.  When they meet, more than inspiration sparks, but will it be enough to fan the flames?

It's no secret that I am a huge fan of Brigham Vaughn's work, so when she told me she was starting a F/F romance series, I knew I had to read it.  Followers of my reviews have probably noticed that M/M is my favorite genre but that I really don't have a prescribed comfort zone.  I like everything!  Sure I have my favorite tropes and genres but I am not beyond reading those that may not be my norm.  Having said that, my familiarity with F/F is limited but not non-exsistent so when I say A Brighter Palette is an amazing read and incredible portrayal of love, I am not exaggerating.

Before I touch on Annie and Siobhán I have to make mention of one of my favorite TV ships being a relationship between a gay man and bisexual man and how the fandom perceives some of the writers as bi-phobic because they feel it should be all roses and rainbows without problems.  I don't feel they're being bi-phobic in how they are writing the gay man wrapping his brain around the bisexual man finding him to be enough, it can be a real issue for some in the LGBT community and it is a fictional soap opera afterall. But as in every facet of the fiction spectrum, its in the eye of the beholder.

Now, I said all that about my TV ship because I feel that Brigham Vaughn has also shown that Annie's bisexuality is a bit of an issue, not in a bi-phobic way but because Siobhán's past relationship has made her weary and gun-shy but it doesn't make me not want to shake Siobhán any less for her way of thinking and some of the words she uses.  Brigham deals with this in a believable and yet entertaining fashion.  I say "entertaining" not because its roses and rainbows from beginning to end but because it kept me intrigued even when I was upset with Siobhán.  I love how their artistic sides mesh with their personal sides, sometimes all that is needed to get the fire started is a common spark.  A Brighter Palette is just an all-around enjoyable read that will break your heart one minute and heal it the next but most importantly Brigham has left me hungry for the next installment.

The Greenest Isle #2
I'm embarrassed to admit that I had no idea how close Brigham Vaughn was to releasing The Greenest Isle, her sequel to A Brighter Palette.  Once I saw it was out(and luckily for me it was on release day that it came to my attention) I went and 1-clicked it and set down to read almost immediately.  I wish I could say I read it in one sitting but life gets in the way and I was interrupted.  HOWEVER, it kept pulling me back every free minute I found and though reading books like that isn't my way-of-choice I couldn't help it, I just couldn't wait till I had a free half hour.  So at times it was a bit "choppy" for me but that was down to my only reading a couple pages at time occasionally and not the author's writing style.

I want to start off by saying for those looking for full-on heat and lots of it might be a bit disappointed.  Don't get me wrong what's there is definitely WOW! but there isn't an overabundance of heat-ness but that's okay.  For me, sometimes a story is even better written that way, as the saying goes "less is more" and in the case of Annie and Siobhan I found it to be just right.  Considering everything that is being dealt with its understandable that Siobhan's passionate side has cooled a bit.

As someone who has been the primary 24/7 caregiver to a parent for the better part of the past 25 years, I completely understand how it can change a person's life as well as those close to them and I didn't have to travel to another country on top of it.  Perhaps it is my role as my mother's caregiver that helped me bond with Siobhan and not so much with Annie in regards to her feeling, well I hate to use the term neglected but left out or shut out at times.  Caregiving is a 24/7 job, it is all consuming and when you have the kind of focus that Siobhan has its completely understandable how she puts everything into helping her dad.  Just because I relate more to Siobhan in The Greenest Isle doesn't mean I don't sympathize at times with Annie, after all her life has been flipped on its side, I just bonded more to Siobhan. 

Watching these two navigate this newest leg of their journey is a real treat that isn't always easy.  Caregiving  is often used in fiction but more times than not its in small doses and not as life-changing or life-altering as Brigham Vaughn has done in Greenest, the whole moving to Ireland bit isn't exactly an everyday scenario.  You can tell when an author has some degree of personal experience with caregiving because Miss Vaughn has tackled it and then managed to balance it with the ongoing romantic relationship that doesn't come from just research.  As a caregiver, that part of the story is greatly appreciated. 

Now you might think because I concentrated so much on Siobhan's caring for her dad that that is all the story is about but its not, there is so much more to Greenest its just that element really stuck with me.  I don't think HEA is ever 100% guaranteed in life and that no matter how happy a couple is there is always work needed to be put into the relationship.  This is one of those hurdles that requires patience and determination to further their HEA and Brigham Vaughn balances it all absolutely perfectly with realism that made The Greenest Isle a reading pleasure.  If you loved A Brighter Palette than you'll enjoy this as well and if you haven't read Brighter yet, now is the perfect time to jump in.


A Brighter Palette #1
Annie pressed her palms to her cheeks. “I got a little carried away.”

Siobhán straightened but didn’t slide away. “I enjoyed watching you get carried away. We’ll have to do that again when we aren’t in such a public place.”

Annie glanced around. Thankfully, they were toward the back of the nearly empty lounge and the backs of the booths had dividers. Unless a waitress had walked by, it was unlikely anyone had seen them.

“This is so unlike me,” Annie admitted.

Siobhán tilted her chin and gave Annie an appraising look. “Perhaps it’s just what you need.”

Annie’s embarrassment began to fade, and she offered Siobhán a small smile. “I certainly could use a bit more excitement in my life,” she admitted. “Although, that doesn’t necessarily include a public exhibition.”

“Public exhibition is optional,” Siobhán said, “but passion shouldn’t be.”

The Greenest Isle #2
“Da?” Siobhán’s voice cracked. She rested her hand on her father’s. He blinked slowly, seeming to come out from a very deep sleep.

“Aileen?” He sounded hoarse as he squinted at her. It made the lines around his eyes deepen.

“No it’s me. Siobhán.”

His expression fell for a moment, but he studied her face intently. “It can’t be. You’re in Boston.”

She shook her head. “No, Mrs. O’Connor called yesterday to tell me you were in hospital. After she explained what happened, I flew to Dublin. With Annie.”

“Annie?” He turned piercing blue eyes on Annie and examined her critically. Annie fought the urge to fidget. Despite the freshening up she’d attempted to do in the airport bathroom, she knew she looked like a mess right now.  Ahh, well, there was nothing she could do about it now.

“Annie’s my girlfriend, Da. We met a year and a half ago, and we’re living together.”

His gaze was accusing as he looked at his daughter. “You didn’t tell me you’d met someone.”

Ouch. It stung that in all the time they’d been together, Siobhán hadn’t told her father about Annie. But Annie tried to remind herself that Patrick and Siobhán’s relationship was strained at best. What did she expect?

“I love her, Da,” Siobhán said quietly.

“Come here then,” he gestured weakly toward Annie, but his voice was still commanding. “Let me have a look at you.”

Annie stepped forward. “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Murray.”

He reached out a hand, and she took it. His fingers were cool, but there was more strength in his grip than she’d have expected. “Call me Patrick. Mr. Murray was me da’s name.”

“Patrick,” she said. “I’m Annie Slocum.”

His gaze narrowed. “English name, but you’re from Boston, I take it? You sound like it anyway.”

She nodded. “Yes. I’ve lived in that area my whole life.”

“That’s good, so.” He looked away, and Annie had the sensation that she’d been dismissed. Annie walked over to the window, leaving Siobhán and her father to catch up.

“How are you feeling, Da?” Siobhán asked.

“Tired. Annoyed by all the fuss.”

“Mrs. O’Connor told me you had a heart attack. And the nurse said it was serious.”

“Well, I’m not dead.”

Annie glanced over to see Siobhán give her father a tremulous smile. “I’m glad of that. What did they tell you about the prognosis?”

“I don’t know. The doctor was spouting some gibberish. You’ll have to ask him. Maybe you’ll understand him better than I did.”

“I did speak with the nurse. She said you’re going to need to make some lifestyle changes.” Patrick let out an annoyed-sounding “hurrumph”. “And that your recovery will be slow. But Annie and I will help you with that.”

Author Bio:
Brigham Vaughn is on the adventure of a lifetime as a full-time writer. She devours books at an alarming rate and hasn’t let her short arms and long torso stop her from doing yoga.  She makes a killer key lime pie, hates green peppers, and loves wine tasting tours. A collector of vintage Nancy Drew books and green glassware, she enjoys poking around in antique shops and refinishing thrift store furniture. An avid photographer, she dreams of traveling the world and she can’t wait to discover everything else life has to offer her.

Her books range from short stories to novellas. They explore gay, lesbian, and polyamorous romance in contemporary settings.

To stay up to date on her latest releases, sign up for the Coles & Vaughn Newsletter.


A Brighter Palette #1

The Greenest Isle #2

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