Saturday, September 14, 2019

Saturday's Series Spotlight: Owatonna U Hockey by RJ Scott & VL Locey Part 1

Ryker #1
Ryker is hockey royalty, Jacob is a poor country boy. Can two vastly different people find common ground and become the men they want to be?

Ryker comes from a long line of championship-winning hockey players. Playing college hockey to develop his game is his only focus, and nothing will stand in the way of him working to become the best player. He has no room for relationships, people that point out his flaws, or anyone who calls him on his dreams. He certainly has no place for love, and meeting Jacob is nothing but a useful distraction on the side. After all trying to get his Owatonna Eagles teammate into bed is less work and more play. When tragedy rocks his family, his charmed life crumbles, and the only person he can turn to is the same one who claims to hate him.

Jacob Benson has only known hard work and stifling conservative values his whole life. Born and raised in the small rural community of Eden Crossing, Minnesota, he’s the only son of a hard-working but struggling dairy farming family. Jacob is using his skills in hockey to finance his way to an agricultural science degree. These four years at Owatonna U. will probably be the only time he has to enjoy life, gain acceptance about his sexuality, and live openly before his inevitable return to the farm. Running into a pretty rich boy like Ryker Madsen is putting a damper on his enjoyment of life away from home. Ryker’s flip, conceited, carefree attitude grates on Jacob’s every nerve. So why, if Ryker is everything he dislikes, does he want nothing more than to explore the sinful dreams that his annoying teammate stars in every night?

Scott #2
What happens when you try to fix the past and end up threatening your future?

Scott is struggling. Grieving the loss of his brother, carrying the weight of his father’s expectations, and getting his ass kicked in the rink, he’s in a downward spiral. He needs a solution and fast, but when his steroid use is exposed, he’s close to losing his place at Owatonna and more importantly, on the Eagles Hockey team. Thrown out of his house, with nowhere to go and no future in sight, he only has one choice; agree to mandatory counseling, random drug tests, and get his act together. Only then will he have a chance at normal. Meeting Hayne, a senior connected to the world through his art, is a shock to the system. Moving in with him is his only option, but falling for the shy artist leaves Scott in an impossible situation, and one he can’t escape.

Hayne has always been that quiet, creative kid who sat in the back of class drawing instead of listening to the teacher. A talented artist, the shy and sensitive young man is struggling with the loss of his childhood friend. Seeing his sadness reflected in his usually colorful paintings, he decides to attend grief counseling and meets Scott, a lost soul in desperate need of light and color in his life. Taking in a homeless hockey player certainly was never part of his carefully orchestrated ten-year plan. But now that Scott is in his life, he’s discovering the joy of this man’s loving smile and tender touch is one of the most beautiful palettes on earth.

Benoit #3
Senior year is here, and everything is on the line. Benoit’s time to shine in the crease is now, and he’s going to do everything he can to make sure those professional scouts take notice. He’s earned a great reputation for his skills in the net, and his laid-back demeanor is his key to maintaining his cool when things get heated in the goal crease.

As the Eagles roar into a new season, Ben’s laser-sharp focus is shattered by his attraction to Ethan Girard, the team’s new defensive consultant. Trying his best to ignore the budding friendship that’s taking a hard, fast turn into something far more passionate, Ben is determined to keep his mind on the sport he loves and not let his feelings for the handsome older man creep into his performance. But love, like hockey, is wildly unpredictable, and soon Ben finds that he’s unable to distance himself from Ethan who is slowly and surely working himself into his heart.

Famed Boston defenseman, Ethan Girard, isn’t stupid. Celebrating his thirty-second birthday in the emergency room after breaking his leg, and with a warning that healing will be a long process, he knows he has to think about his future. He was drafted at eighteen, and he’s never known anything but hockey, but with no contract in place yet for the new season he considers that maybe it’s time for him to hang up his skates for good.

Volunteering to help out with the Owatonna Eagles fills his time, but from the moment he lays eyes on goalie Ben, he knows his world will never be the same again. Falling in lust is as easy as stealing his first kiss, but Ben refuses to engage. Has Ethan finally met his match?

When the lines between career and love blur, will Ethan and Ben find a way to create a future that will work for both of them?

Ryker #1
Original Review October 2018:
Ryker Madsen comes from hockey legends, not exactly a silver spoon but not a hard upbringing either.  Jacob Benson is from a small farming community in Minnesota, a land where hockey is steeped in tradition.  When the two meet at a month long hockey camp for the summer, lives are changed.  Ryker begins to look at himself through Jacob's eyes and the two find a connection beyond hockey.  When they meet again on the ice at Owatonna University after Ryker transfers in, will they be able to reconnect or just make nice for the sake of the team?

WOW!  I could really end my review with that one word, Ryker is just WOW!  In this first entry in the new and sure-to-be-a-hit spin-off of the Harrisburg Railers, we are reacquainted with Ryker Madsen, the son of Coach Jared Madsen who we originally were introduced to in Changing Lines(Harrisburg #1).  We never really saw a lot of Ryker throughout the original series but it was enough to realize he was a strong independent player who, perhaps didn't take for granted where he came from but wasn't really looking at all the pluses from outside eyes.  When he meets Jacob at hockey camp he gets a chance to see himself from the other side.  It was a nice change of pace to see a young character who was open to seeing someone else's angle without getting super defensive causing undo drama.  No one likes to have their faults pointed out to them but most people can step aside(eventually) and accept some level of criticism for what it is: a chance to change.  In my opinion it can be an overused plot point to have unnecessary drama created in that situation so I really liked how the author's dealt with this element realistically.

As for Jacob, well I'm from a small farming community in Wisconsin, western Wisconsin to be more specific and only minutes away from the Minnesota border so we have always been kind of held hostage by the Minnesota media so I am very familiar with the state's love of hockey.  I remember well the uproar when the North Stars were sold and moved to Texas as well as the excitement and celebrations over getting an expansion team in the Wild.  So even though I am not a hockey fan I can say with very little doubt that the authors' portrayal of Jacob's love of the sport and it being his opportunity to further his education and help the family farm is pretty spot on.  I will say I had my doubts about whether I would like Jacob's parents but they turned out to be decent folks(that's as close to a spoiler in that area that you are going to get from me๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰).

I really won't speak too much on other little factors seeing as this story partially coincides with Goal Line(Harrisburg #6) and I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't read that one yet.  I'll just add that Ryker is a tale with engaging characters, lovely settings, and the right blend of drama and romance.  If asked whether you need to read Harrisburg Railers first my answer would be probably not.  However, if you are asking what I would personally recommend then I say read that series first.  As I said, this story partially coincides with Goal Line but plot wise you don't have to know the Railers individual stories to enjoy this spin-off but there are mentions of team members and I just think the atmosphere as a whole flows better knowing all their journeys but you won't be lost if you start with Ryker.

Scott #2
Original Review April 2019:
Scott & Locey have done it again!  In Owatonna U Hockey book 2 we meet Scott, the troubled hockey player who finds himself homeless and facing a year-long suspension from the team because of his steroid use and Hayne, an art student who struggles with social interactions when it comes to the big, hulky, jock types.  Fate puts these two young lads together and we get to ride along on their journey.

From the minute we meet Scott, you just know that something is wrong and that he has no where to go but crash.  I absolutely love the way his coach deals with the situation before him, yes he does his job by suspending Scott but he's also there for him, he doesn't demean him, he doesn't look down at him, he supports him from the minute Scott walks into his office.  You just know his Eagles teammates would do the same if Scott wasn't avoiding them.  Don't even get me started on Scott's dad though because talk about a character that needs a swift kick-in-the-ass.

As for Hayne, how can you not love him?  He has a heart of gold, it may sound cliche but in this case it is no less true.  The two men he rents rooms to may be the over-rated, I'm-better-than-you, stay-outta-my-way, stereotypical jock that can be overused but in Scott, the authors write them perfectly and so not over the top.  As someone who lives in a college town, let me tell you, these types are not in the majority but they definitely do exist and I have seen my share of them strutting down the street on their way to class, trust me you can't miss them. So the authors are pretty spot on and its perfectly understandable and believable just why Hayne feels as he does.

Grief counselling leads to kindness leads to unexpected friendship which leads to romance.  The connection between Scott and Hayne is evident from the minute they meet on the way to counselling group and as immediate as that connection is, I would not classify this as insta-love, that's not to say its a slow-burn either but just right.  They really are meant to be and yet its not all sunshine and roses, the struggles are there for both parties.

Scott may have a love story involved between the title character and Hayne but for me, at its core is Scott finding his way, his place in the world, his path.  I love how the authors combine the love story with Scott's healing(for lack of a better word) but never lose sight of what he's struggling with, nor do they go the way of the over-used plot of his friends abandoning him.  Ryker, Jacob, and Ben are never far from the story and I really found those scenes to be quite powerful and emotional, even when they were the bit of much-needed humor, they were still incredibly heartwarming.

Speaking of not going the way of over used plot points, as I said above I wanted to give Scott's dad a swift kick-in-the-ass, well that doesn't completely change but there is a possibility of learning and growing on that front too.  So many elements that will warm your heart.  Scott is definitely worthy of the Owatonna U Hockey brand as well as the Harrisburg Railers that it is spun from.

I already feel like I've given away too much so I'll just say this: Scott is a win-win from beginning to end.  Whether you are a hockey fan or not won't matter a bit because yes, there is some hockey but mostly this is a story of friendship, rebuilding, growth, finding your place in the world, and of course love.  If you are wondering about series order, yes each entry has its own stars and their stories but in my opinion the friendships just flow better when read in order.  Whichever order you read these in, just be sure to read because you won't be sorry.

Benoit #3
Original Review June 2019:
We got to see Benoit in Owatonna U Hockey book 2, Scott but only a tiny bit, we got a peak at how he views his friends, Scott and Ryker so it came as no surprise that he moved into the house with them when his story began.  Ben's family is not in the book much but its enough to realize how important they are to the man and how they are part of what drives him on the ice, not the only reason he's focused but definitely a factor and a positive one at that.  As for Ethan, I loved the fact that he is a player who realizes his limits and doesn't play till he can't and by that I mean too often in sports, players don't want to give it up and they stick around a season or two too many and their effectiveness or quality is poor or as the saying goes "past their prime".   So kudos to the authors for having Ethan know his limits and even though it doesn't exactly take a lot of thinking on his part to come to this decision, you see its not an easy decision and through his inner monologue he weighs in on what he'll miss but also what he won't miss.

As for Ben and Ethan as a couple, the age gap may not be enough for the May/December tag but it is mentioned, both in seriousness and levity.  Benoit's focus and Ethan's determination make for a great pairing and when they finally connect watching Ben's focus be divided was a treat.  I think some author's would show the character with that kind of focus waver back and forth, should I or shouldn't I, but Scott and Locey go the route of dividing his focus and have Ben worry about each suffering because of it.  When he talks to the Railers' goalie, Stan, that scene is short(almost too short๐Ÿ˜‰) but oh so memorable.  Ben may need help deciphering "Stan-speak" but once he understands the advice he puts it to good use.

I rarely mention specific moments in a book as I don't do spoilers and to me everything can be a spoiler but in this case I need to mention this one.  First, I'll point out that as a western Wisconsinite we are virtually held hostage by the Minnesota media and 95% of the news and sports we get is only Minnesota.  Even though I'm not a hockey fan and don't follow the sport I have to admit I did my fair share of giggling(even now as I write this I find myself chuckling) when Benoit and his friends went to the Railers/Wild game and the authors had the Railers "trounce" the Wild.  Perhaps this is just a personal thing for me because the Minnesota news media have the Wild winning the Stanley Cup every year after they manage to win two games in a row but I found it absolutely, delightfully funny and want to thank Scott & Locey for that moment๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰.

When we first met Ryker way back in Ten and Jared's romantic beginnings in Changing Lines(Harrisburg Railers #1) I had a feeling we'd see his story eventually, I wasn't sure how or when but I knew the authors would put it to print.  What I didn't expect was his own series or his friends' stories as well.  Is Owatonna U Hockey as good as Harrisburg Railers?  Maybe not but it is pretty darn close and I have loved every single one.  Benoit and Ethan may not have reached my heart as close as Ryker and Jacob or Scott and Hayne but that is mostly down to just the order of the series.  When a series has a new couple with each entry, 98% of the time they rank the order they are written and for no other reason then that.  If Benoit is the final Owatonna U book, its a gem to be savored.

One last final note: if you're wondering about the order of reading then I highly suggest reading in the order it was written.  As I've stated, each entry has a different pairing but the friendships flow better and the primary characters from Ryker and Scott have their moments in Benoit.  Will you be lost if you start with Benoit?  No, but personally I can't imagine not knowing Ryker and Scott's journeys first.  For those who are completely new to Scott & Locey's hockey stories, I also recommend reading their Harrisburg Railers first, you won't be lost but there are points that will make a little more sense knowing those stories first but again that is just my personal recommendation.  And for those who, like me are not hockey fans, they include just enough hockey lingo and descriptions to understand what the players are doing and not teaching you the ins and outs of the sport, these are not hockey-for-dummy stories, these are romance, friendship, and life journeys at heart that should not be missed.


Saturday's Series Spotlight:  Harrisburg Railers
Part 1  /  Part 2  / Part 3

RJ Scott
USA Today bestselling author RJ Scott writes stories with a heart of romance, a troubled road to reach happiness, and most importantly, a happily ever after.

RJ Scott is the author of over one hundred romance books, writing emotional stories of complicated characters, cowboys, millionaire, princes, and the men who get mixed up in their lives. RJ is known for writing books that always end with a happy ever after. She lives just outside London and spends every waking minute she isn’t with family either reading or writing.

The last time she had a week’s break from writing she didn’t like it one little bit, and she has yet to meet a bottle of wine she couldn’t defeat.

She’s always thrilled to hear from readers, bloggers and other writers. Please contact via the links below.

VL Locey
USA Today Bestselling Author V.L. Locey – Penning LGBT hockey romance that skates into sinful pleasures.

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, walking, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, Torchwood and Dr. Who, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a pair of geese, far too many chickens, and two steers.

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in one hand and a steamy romance novel in the other.

RJ Scott

VL Locey

Ryker #1

Scott #2

Benoit #3

Harrisburg Series #1-6

Neutral Zone #7

Hat Trick #8

Save the Date #9


Head, Heart, & Family: A Railers Novella Collection

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