Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Enaya: Solace of Time by Justin C. Trout

Title: Enaya: Solace of Time
Author: Justin C Trout
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy, Adventure
Release Date: December 14, 2015

Nile Whitman thought he had withstood the test of Time, but when he discovers an ancient artifact known as Enaya, his life will change forever.

Enaya, a powerful and magical stone, alters time by bringing a futuristic city into Nile’s time period. The leader of this city, Norcross Kenneth, falls in love with Nile’s world and the magic within it, and he will stop at nothing until both their worlds are united. After Nile’s kingdom is destroyed by this new unknown force, he sets out on an adventure to send the future back into their dimension.

It’s not just this new threat that opposes Nile; the Lucian Empire has risen, and the Snake Queen wants Nile all to herself. When Nile forms a resistance with an unlikely band of heroes, he is forced to come to terms with his past and with the decisions that will affect his future.

Nile will have to embrace who he is if he is going to protect the people he loves, and in doing so, he will have to depend on Enaya, the element of time.

1. What is the biggest influence/interest that brought you to this genre?
I was inspired at a young age by the fantasy genre. I wanted to create something epic that involved the merging of two worlds and I became fascinated with the idea of time travel. I was always entertained by the media and found a lot of inspiration in video games/books/movies. Fantasy always attracted me because of the endless possibilities, the creating and crafting of worlds, the different races and species that you could create and the use of magic. I always felt that anything could really go in the fantasy genre.

2. When writing a book, what is your favorite part of the creative process(outline, plot, character names, editing, etc)?
I really enjoy writing the plot. Once the outline is complete, I love getting started. The reason is because once you start writing, a lot of changes happen. It’s in the middle of a scene I may think to kill off somebody or perhaps introduce somebody that I hadn’t planned to do so. Just because the plot is outlined, doesn’t mean you won’t venture off the road and try something new.

3. When reading a book, what genre do you find most interesting/intriguing?
I love all genres. I love science fiction probably the best, but I also like a good suspense novel. I recently finished reading a novel by Franklin Horton and became interested in the idea of earth after the apocalypse. I think I can float in any direction. I definitely will read anything that I find interesting. My favorite book of all time though is Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton. To me, that was a staple in my passion for writing. Jurassic park just wasn’t about dinosaurs, but about the process of creating and the dangers of running a theme park around dinosaurs. I’ve read that book three or four times in my life.

4. If you could co-author with any author, past or present, who would you choose?
I would love to co-author with J. R. R. Tolkien. I think he is pinned as the creator of the literary fantasy world. So much credit is given to his world building skills and his ability to really draw readers into an epic story that keeps people wanting more. If Tolkien had a day with the Enaya series, there is no doubt that he wouldn’t sharpen the material. He was a very creative and very influential author.

5. Have you always wanted to write or did it come to you "later in life"?
I wanted to tell stories since I was in kindergarten. I always drew these picture books and shared them at school with my class. Then when I was 12, I began the idea of the Enaya series. I’ve longed to bring this to life for nearly 14 years and I’m excited to have it out and have enjoyed the positive feedback. I think when you get that passion to write—you should go for it. Just dive in, rather it is something for fun or something you want to take seriously. I’ve come a long way and I’ve been very blessed in discovering this passion at a young age.

Author Bio:
Justin C. Trout was born in Richlands, V.A. Justin spent a majority of his childhood writing stories. When he was in kindergarten, he shared his first “dinosaur” story with his classmates. With a passion to draw and share his stories, Justin began writing novels when he was only 12 years old. It was at this age that the Enaya series was born. He wrote a majority of the first drafts while he attended Lebanon High School. As he got older, Justin worked several odd jobs such as fast food, cashier, work study and retail. Justin decided to go back to college to obtain his degree where he could work in the mental health profession. It was in college when he decided to pursue publishing. Obtaining a master’s in education with specialization in counseling from Lindsey Wilson College, Justin is a children’s therapeutic day treatment counselor and an avid writer. He has also appeared in a number of short films and recently wrote and directed his first indie film, Fade Out. Enaya: Solace of Time is book 1 in an 8 part series.


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