Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday's Film Adaption: The Shape of Things to Come by HG Wells

When Dr Philip Raven, an intellectual working for the League of Nations, dies in 1930 he leaves behind a powerful legacy - an unpublished 'dream book'. Inspired by visions he has experienced for many years, it appears to be a book written far into the future: a history of humanity from the date of his death up to 2105. The Shape of Things to Come provides this 'history of the future', an account that was in some ways remarkably prescient - predicting climatic disaster and sweeping cultural changes, including a Second World War, the rise of chemical warfare, and political instabilities in the Middle East.

Two generations of philosophers try to bring an end to war.

Release Date: February 20, 1936
Release Time: 108 minutes

Raymond Massey as John Cabal/Oswald Cabal
Edward Chapman as Pippa Passworthy/Raymond Passworthy
Ralph Richardson as Rudolf a.k.a. The Boss
Margaretta Scott as Roxana Black/Rowena Cabal
Cedric Hardwicke as Theotocopulos
Maurice Braddell as Dr Edward Harding
Sophie Stewart as Mrs Cabal
Derrick De Marney as Richard Gordon
Ann Todd as Mary Gordon
Pearl Argyle as Catherine Cabal
Kenneth Villiers as Maurice Passworthy
Ivan Brandt as Morden Mitani
Anne McLaren as Child (2036)
Patricia Hilliard as Janet Gordon
Charles Carson as Great-Grandfather (2036)
Patrick Barr as World Transport official
John Clements as Enemy pilot
Anthony Holles as Simon Burton (as Antony Holles)
Allan Jeayes as Mr. Cabal (1940)
Pickles Livingston as Horrie Passworthy
Abraham Sofaer as Wadsky

Author Bio:
Herbert George “H.G.” Wells was a prolific English writer in many genres, including the novel, history, politics, and social commentary, and even textbooks and rules for war games. He is now best remembered for his science fiction novels, and Wells is sometimes called the father of science fiction, though the same claim is made for Jules Verne and Hugo Gernsback. His most notable science fiction works include The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, and The Island of Doctor Moreau.

Wells’s earliest specialized training was in biology, and his thinking on ethical matters took place in a specifically and fundamentally Darwinian context. He was also from an early date an outspoken socialist, often sympathising with pacifist views. His later works became increasingly political and didactic, and he wrote little science fiction, while he sometimes indicated on official documents that his profession was that of journalist.




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