Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Blog Tour: Laws of Attraction by JP Sayle

Title: Laws of Attraction
Author: JP Sayle
Series: Manx Cat Guardians #6
Genre: M/M Romance, Paranormal
Release Date: March 28, 2019

Nick Riley, on the surface has it all. He’s grown up in a loving family, owns his own home, and has a job he loves. Yet under that faΓ§ade of a happy life, Nick hides a multitude of secrets and lies. Those same secrets and lies have forced him to build walls to protect himself and kept others away.

Nick’s life is unraveling, and his walls are tumbling when his brother invites him for a visit to the Isle of Man. Nick is left floundering, unsure which way to turn and who to trust when his past decides to come knocking. Things go from bad to worse when Nick finds the fates haven’t finished with him, and his brother’s best friend, Brody Quilliam, comes to stay.

Brody Quilliam needs a break from his life and the weight of responsibility of his job. So when his best friend, Aaden Riley, moves to the Isle of Man and asks him to visit, Brody decides to take him up on the offer. Only things don’t go as planned when he finds Aaden’s younger brother, Nick, visiting at the same time.

Their love-hate relationship is only the beginning of Brody’s concerns. Events he can’t explain make him think he’s stuck in the twilight zone.

Witches, spells, and misconceptions are only the tip of the iceberg as Brody struggles to come to terms with the unbelievable.

Warning:  Some of the content of this book is sexually graphic, with the use of explicit language and adult situations involving two males. It is only intended for mature adults.

This is the sixth book in the series and should be read in order to give the reader the back story of the other characters. The main characters in this book do get a HEA, but there is a storyline threading through the main story that is a cliffhanger and relates to a future series. 

Brody forced himself to lightly shut the bedroom door, even when his hands itched to slam it. The temper bubbled through his body. He looked at the large wardrobe mirror to see if there was steam coming out of his ears. He was surprised to see nothing.

Aaden, that cock-blocking fucker.

Brody was starting to think Aaden had a built-in radar. Any time he seemed to be making any progress with Nick, then bam, up would pop Aaden.

He dropped the towel and took hold of his erection with trembling fingers. The same erection he was mortified to acknowledge had sprung up when Nick was hurling down the loo. Nick’s tight arse waving at him, encased in a scrap of black silk, and that glorious naked skin on show was too much for his body to handle.

Brody chewed his lip, disconcerted by his own behaviour.

A blush heated his cheeks when he thought about why he left the bathroom door unlocked. He knew damn well Aaden and Greg used their en-suite shower and only used the bathroom in the evening if they wanted a joint bath. Had he secretly hoped Nick would catch him, naked and wet?

What is the biggest influence/interest that brought you to this genre?
Now there are three people that influenced me into this genre. The first is my twin sister, we have been avid readers since the age of 9. About four years ago she said I needed to try reading some M/M books, I was a bit like ‘really’ but she pushed and I bought the first book in the Nice Guy Series by Kindle Alexander. Those books changed how I viewed my reading list and bam, I found myself with a new and different world.

That leads me on to the second person Janet Lees, the facilitator of the creative writing group I went to. I was struggling to write and what I’d read all said write about what you know. I know is nursing, but could I write about it, hell no. and though I may in the future it wasn’t working. I talked about it with Janet and she simply said, Jayne put pen to paper, and just write, it doesn’t have to make sense, just write. Six weeks later 113,000 words and I had the bones of my first story.

That leads to my third person, Kindle (Kim). My sister had been friends with her on FB and when I said I wanted to write M/M she contacted several authors in the genre to ask if I could contact them for advice. LOL, what is it they say, ‘this rest is history’. You have no idea how helpful she was along with AE Via, the encouragement along with talking me off a cliff, on occasion. I’ve since met and friended many more but authors who inspire and influence me but these people are where it all started for me.

When writing a book, what is your favourite part of the creative process(outline, plot, character names, editing, etc)?
LOL, so I’m a total pantser, I fly by those buggers every time I sit at my computer, so no plotting unless you class my boys chatting and telling me what they want. But my favourite part, if I have to say, is finding the right songs to play when I write, they influence me more than I can say. Grace Carter’s, heal gave me a whole story when I heard it. I could see it all in my head. So for me its the music that gets my creative juices flowing. Have you ever heard a song that resonates inside you and won’t leave you alone, well it's that, that I love.

When reading a book, what genre do you find most interesting/intriguing?
All of them, though since I found M/M my reading habits have changed though I still read others, it tends to sway towards M/M. The variety in this genre gives you so much to choose from it kind of spoils me for others.

If you could co-author with any author, past or present, who would you choose?
Oh now, I have several Patricia Cornwell, James Patterson, Kora Knight, Nora Phoneix, RG Alexander, these would be my top picks. I would say Kindle Alexander, but as they are already a duo that might be hard.

Have you always wanted to write or did it come to you "later in life"?

No, I always wanted to write. The thing is my English is crap, issues in my childhood with poor eyesight that went undetected for a few years, then moving to a country where they don’t speak English all impacted on my confidence. But I’d kinda promised myself I’d write, I started in my twenties, but life a child and you find the years pass. I was having real work problems about four years ago and found myself lacking the motivation to do anything. Then I won several sessions with a life coach. I wasn’t going to take them, then I thought I’ll go and see what happens. The question, “what do you want to do with your life?” Had one answer in my head, write. So, I worked to find a way to make that happen. It took another year and a bit for me to find a way to let me have the time, and here I am two years and four months later, six books out, and two in the process of being written. And a heap load of stuff in my head desperate to escape.

Author Bio:
Let me introduce myself, my name is Jayne, I’m a lady of a certain age (50, bites fingernails). I am an identical twin, the younger one of course by 7 minutes. I am married to a wonderfully complicated man, or as he puts it, off his rocker Rob. We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary recently. I have one daughter and two grandbabies one boy and one girl.

I was born in the Isle of Man; this makes me Manx (not British or English). I moved to the UK for several years, and as a child, I lived in Italy for a while. But, the island calls to me so I returned home in 1998. I love the sea and now it’s only a stone’s throw from my home.

I have worked in the caring profession for 34 years and have been a hospital nurse manager, out of hours, for the past couple of years. I made the decision to work part time nights in 2016 so that I could pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a writer.

I have always believed that I could and would write a book, but life just seemed to get in the way. Until someone asked me the question, “What do I want?” The answer was easy, the hard part was making it happen. Well, it did and it has and it was life-changing for me.

So over two years later, my career path has changed and so has my life. I found my happiness again in something that just brightens my day. Now I won’t say it’s been a breeze because those who write know it’s not a total blast all the time, but it has been fun and exciting.

I am asked a lot why did I choose to write a gay romance. I went to a creative writing group (couldn’t recommend this enough for new writers); anyway, the course leader gave me these words of advice. “Put your inner critic aside, put pen to paper and just write, don’t worry about what comes out, just write.” I was a bit, really that works, but I decided to give it a go with it. Ignored all the research I did, which said to write about what you know because that just wasn’t working for me for many reasons. The answer it seemed was to try something different and I found it flowed out and 6 weeks later I had the bones of my first book (113,000 words). Writing something so different to what I was doing in my life, freed me.

My island is steeped in folklore and I have used some of this in my writing, particularly Where it all Began: Manx Cat Guardians Origins. The book, I have to say I love the most, if I had to choose right now, but that might change ☺

Writing has unleashed a beast in my mind and now I can’t switch it off. I follow a lot of authors and I listen to them talking about their characters talking to them. I so get this now, I find myself muttering and talking at odd times. I wake up at 3 am in the morning, with bits of story wanting a voice.

I have six books written currently with two more in the pipeline and a couple of ideas for future series, so you never know what will come next. I have lots of places you can stalker me if you’re interested in finding out more.


Laws of Attraction #6


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