Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Blog Tour: Strike a Chord by KM Neuhold

Title: Strike a Chord
Author: KM Neuhold
Series: Replay #4
Genre: M/M Romance
Release Date: May 14, 2019

“You want to fake date me?”

Music is my life, my band is my heart and soul, and it’s all falling apart before my eyes.

A plan hatched from desperation as we both watch our careers burn down around us. Dating my best friend’s twin brother, Paris, who just so happens to be a gay icon at the moment seems like the perfect plan. And if we have a little fun along the way, where’s the harm in that? The band is spiraling, his football career is going up in flames, and the more the world falls down around us, the easier it is to get lost in each other.

But are stolen moments during our own busy schedules and hurried kisses hidden behind social media posts the basis for a real relationship, or is this just another thing that’s going to turn to dust in our hands?

🎢🎀🎡Strike a Chord is the fourth and final book in the Replay series. This series can be read in any order. 🎡🎀🎢

“Sure they do,” he argues, taking the bottle from me again and taking another sip. “‘Ris, the only person standing in your way right now is you. This is the one life you have; don’t you owe it to yourself to make it fucking incredible?”

“Yes,” I agree, my voice sounding husky to my own ears as my pulse thunders.

“So, what do you want more than anything?” he asks, rolling onto his side to face me.

Not a single thought passes through my mind before I do it. I’m all instinct and want, the gulps of tequila silencing the voice in the back of my mind that should surely be telling me it’s wrong.

Benji gasps when my mouth meets his. His lips are soft and yielding under mine, parted easily by the sweep of my tongue. His hands find my pecs while I grab onto his hips, just above the low-slung waist of his swimsuit.

Our numb lips and tequila-soaked tongues slide against each other artlessly. A bead of sweat trickles down my back, the heat of the island suffocating enough without the raging inferno between the two of us. It’s a wonder we don’t burst into flames.

Benji moans into my mouth, climbing onto my lap without breaking the kiss, his slight body covering mine as our tongues tangle. My heart is going wild as my fingers dig into Benji’s hips, feeling his cock as it hardens against my stomach.

I’ve replayed our one and only kiss over and over again throughout the years, the kiss that was never for me, and I was so sure I’d built it up to be better than it was. God was I wrong. Kissing Benji is like skydiving, exciting and terrifying all at once. It’s like the first day of summer vacation, full of possibility and promise. It’s so much better than I remembered.

Who are some of your favorite authors and/or books to read when you need to relax?
Oh my gosh, so many lol. My absolute top favorite re-reads are: Where He Ends and I Begin by Cardeno C, Love Lessons series by Heidi Cullinan,  Helping Hands by Jay Northcote, and Slow Heat by Leta Blake

If you were approached to have your book made into a film, who would you cast?
Gah, I never know the answer to this question lol. I feel like I'd rather cast unknown actors rather than someone who's already well-known

It's often asked what is your favorite part of being a writer but what is the easiest or most natural part of the creative process for you?
The beginning of a new story. Getting to know brand new characters is such a magical feeling.

Is there any one character you've created that is most like you? If yes, who and why?
Probably Mason from Heart, totally awkward lol

If you could go anywhere(finances, time, & obligations not an issue) where would you go and why?
I've always wanted a vacation where I stay in a little hut right over the bright blue water. One day lol.

Author Bio:
Author K.M.Neuhold is a complete romance junkie, a total sap in every way. She started her journey as an author in new adult, MF romance, but after a chance reading of an MM book she was completely hooked on everything about lovely- and sometimes damaged- men finding their Happily Ever After together. She has a strong passion for writing characters with a lot of heart and soul, and a bit of humor as well. And she fully admits that her OCD tendencies of making sure every side character has a full backstory will likely always lead to every book having a spin-off or series. When she's not writing she's a lion tamer, an astronaut, and a superhero...just kidding, she's likely watching Netflix and snuggling with her husky while her amazing husband brings her coffee.


Strike a Chord #4


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