Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Review Tour: Raven's Hart by Davidson King

Title: Raven's Hart
Author: Davidson King
Series: Haven Hart Universe #7
Genre: M/M Romance, Suspense
Release Date: September 13, 2019

Haven Hart stands on the edge of good and evil. Having balance between the two is the only thing keeping the town from crumbling to the ground. For years, one man has been charged with maintaining that balance. Poe.

The air of mystery surrounding Poe is one of necessity. He’s the keeper of secrets and for good reason. He’s stood alone against the most ruthless men and women, always hiding behind the curtain to help his friends defeat what seeks to destroy them.

Now, after all this time, the city he loves, the people he has protected, and the secrets he’s kept hidden are in serious jeopardy. Poe will need the help of his friends to fight the ultimate battle; not just save Haven Hart but everything and everyone he holds dear to him.

When the dust settles, will betrayals be forgiven? Will the city still be standing? Will Poe’s beloved be at his side or will everything crumble? One thing is for certain, everything will be tested, and questions will finally be answered. Raven’s Hart is the final installment in the Haven Hart Series.

This is the 7th book in the Haven Hart Series it is NOT a standalone and all others need to be read before this one.

First, I have to give myself a big hand of applause👏👏👏👏👏👏 because I managed to do something I have never done before with a book that I have anticipated as much as I have with Raven's Hart: I savored the read!  That's right, you heard me, I savored the read.  Normally, my biggest tell as to whether it's a winning gem is I just have to know how it ends so I read the book as I quickly as life allows but then when I get to the final page I kick myself for not reading it slower to prolong the amazing goodness.  HOWEVER, I knew Raven's Hart was the finale to Davidson King's Haven Hart Universe so I forced myself to "linger" so I could put off that final page and the goodbye as long as possible.  So excuse me a minute while I give myself another round of applause👏👏👏👏👏👏.

Now on to Raven's Hart.  What can I say without spoilers?  Very little actually so as to the plot:  HOLY HANNAH BATMAN!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! THE FORCE IS STRONG WITH THIS ONE!!!!  Can you tell I liked it?  We finally learn Poe's story and what a story it is!  Poe, a man who went from yoga-in-the-park BFF to the-man-with-access-to-the-vaults to THE MAN! and he did it all with heart, a heart that beats, breaks, and bleeds.  We finally learn what keeps that heart going.  That's it, that's all the plot points you are getting from me, any more would just give too much away.  Sorry, not sorry😉.

Everyone returns to rally around the man who has helped them(albeit reluctantly at times).  I was going to say "the entire cast of characters returns" but I changed it to just "everyone" because to say "cast of characters" puts a spotlight on them being fictional.  And yes, I know they are fictional, Haven Hart is fictional, but Davidson King has done such an exceptionally amazing job at world building and character development that they seem so real, that you could meet them pumping gas, getting milk, returning books to the library, etc.    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Davidson King is more than an author or writer, she is a storyteller, an attention-grabbing, heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping storyteller.

If you have been reading Haven Hart from the beginning then you probably already have Raven's Hart in your sights and on your list but if you haven't now is the perfect time to start.  As I started with, Poe's story is the finale to this amazing journey so you can read from beginning to end and you really do need to read this series in order.  Yes, each entry focuses on a different couple(or throuple in Triple Threat and Snow Storm features Snow and Christopher from Snow Falling which started this amazing journey) with it's own beginning and ending but each book also holds clues to the full mysterious journey.  I really can't recommend Haven Hart Universe enough and I'll fill you in on a little secret, if they ever made this into a film series Haven Hart would be a very close second to the Star Wars Saga on my favorite films of all time list(and if you know me then you'll know how huge that is because I've been a SW fanatic since I saw the original back in 1977 when I was only 4 years old)😉.

One last note: I said Raven's Hart is the finale to Haven's Hart and it is but we do get to see more of Simon's story in 2020.  Who knows maybe if we are super, duper, uber nice Miss King will write a holiday novella/coda some day😉😉. Either way, its been onehelluva ride, Davidson King and Thank You for this amazing world you gave us.

And one more thing . . . the cover designs for this whole series has been amazing.  Morningstar Ashley of Designs by Morningstar have captured the setting of Haven Hart and the ongoing stories incredibly with eye-catching awesomeness.


A light tap caught my attention, and I looked up to see Tony and Snow standing there. Snow, ever his curious self, was looking up, down, and around, absorbing it all, never to forget.

“Thank you, Tony, I’d like to speak with Snow alone, and then perhaps, if he has further questions pertaining to security and what you know, the two of you can talk later.”

“Okay, holler if you need me.” He smiled at Snow who nodded, and then left the room.

It wasn’t so much an uncomfortable silence as it was worrisome. Snow wasn’t a quiet person. He spoke up for everything he believed in, and on many occasions, gave me a good tongue lashing. To see him walking through my office and not making eye contact with me was jarring.

“Snow?” He jumped when I spoke but turned my way. “Would you like a drink?”

He chuckled, but it held very little humor. “What’s the strongest thing you’ve got?”

Ahh, so he was having trouble with all this. Understandable. I walked over to the small cart with some beverages and poured us each a Jack and ginger ale. I knew he didn’t like drinking because of his father, but he wasn’t kidding that he wanted a drink.

“Thanks,” he said as he took the drink and sipped it. “So, this is really weird.”

I couldn’t argue with that. “Did you read my note?”

He rolled his eyes at my obviously stupid question. “I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t. You have Jason Momoa over there come to my house, tell me he can’t say much but to read this thing and to follow him. You’re lucky Christopher wasn’t home, or Bill for that matter, or I wouldn’t have been able to sweet talk Donny into trusting my life choices and going with Aquaman.”

Let's start with something fun, if you were asked to put one film, one book, & one CD in a time capsule, what would they be and why?
Hmm. Okay I’m basing this on having to put it in because it’s 2019 and it’ll be opened in 20 years. So, with that said: Movie: I’d say Ready Player One (Because if the world is like that it’ll be cool we thought that was our future)

One Book: I’d love to say Lord of The Flies but that’s not of this time so I will say The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Yeah it came out in 2011 but it’s enchanting and magical and amazing!

CD: Oh boy I would say anything Imagine Dragons

How do you choose character names? Do you have a baby name book on your shelf or is it more personal than that?
I just sit and think on it honestly. I always read the credits at the end of all movies and read the names and then hold them in my brain for a later date lol

What was your hardest scene to write? I know this is your last Haven Hart story so I imagine the final page was difficult but beyond that, what was the hardest to put on paper (obviously not asking for any spoilers😉)?
Oh this is hard to answer without spoilers. There was one scene that was so incredibly hard for me to write in this book that I had to stop midway and just cry it out. It involved a game and a child and the heartbreak came with the reality of it all. How this is actually a world we live in and this happens.

Any embarrassing google search results you never expected while researching your book due to unknown slang or poorly worded phrasing?
My husband works in IT so he’s always saying, “Be specific when you Google.” LOL So I try to be very specific and I’m happy to say I haven’t been traumatized yet.

On the line of the previous question, have you ever googled your writer self to see what pops up?
I DID! And I discovered I need to go and change the profile Google has for me LOL

Author Bio:
Davidson King, always had a hope that someday her daydreams would become real-life stories. As a child, you would often find her in her own world, thinking up the most insane situations. It may have taken her awhile, but she made her dream come true with her first published work, Snow Falling.

When she's not writing you can find her blogging away on Diverse Reader, her review and promotional site. She managed to wrangle herself a husband who matched her crazy and they hatched three wonderful children.

If you were to ask her what gave her the courage to finally publish, she'd tell you it was her amazing family and friends. Support is vital in all things and when you're afraid of your dreams, it will be your cheering section that will lift you up.


Raven's Hart #7


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