Monday, November 25, 2019

Blog Tour: Little Love by Siobhan Smile

Title: Little Love
Author: Siobhan Smile
Genre: F/F Romance, D/s, Adult
Release Date: November 12, 2019

When the perfect little stumbles into your life, what are you to do?

Lindy Rubin performed every task per her strict routine. She was speeding towards forty and becoming bored with her orderly life. When she began to assess the emptiness of her personal life, she hadn't expected the surprise destined to arrive. Was it fate that brought her a beautiful girl with teary, azure eyes to her doorstep? If so, who was she to deny her Little Love help in her moment of need?

I flipped through the channels where I was seated crossed-legged on my couch. I forced myself not to stop on every news channel to check in on my clients and if their fuckery made the news before it came to me. I was determined to find something fun to watch. My takeout container of cheesecake sat untouched on the coffee table. I had on my favorite and well-worn men's pajama set. I tossed the remote onto the cushion beside me. I was about to stretch out on the couch when my doorbell echoed through the house.

When I dropped my feet to the carpet, it started again, and I frowned as I made my way to the front door. I opened it and froze when the tiny plump woman with a red, tear-stained face started yelling at me.

"Asshole, if you didn't want to go on a date with me, all you had to do was say so. I may not be skinny or all that pretty, but texting to say you wouldn't show up wouldn't have cost you anything. You’re such an ass, you motherfuc—Oh." Her bright blue eyes widened to comical size, and she was frozen on my stoop.

I was caught between confusion and amusement as she fully focused on me. She was dressed in a cute, pale blue dress with puffy sleeves, and her curly hair was in a messy bun. She was adorable. I’d never wanted to cuddle a woman at first sight as much as I did right then.

"Hello, little love. Bad day?"

"You're not Clarence."

"No, I'm Lindy, I live here."

"Clarence doesn't live here?" She nervously wrung her hands and looked everywhere, but at me. Even leaning to the side to glance behind me like the man who stood her up would suddenly appear.

"No, just me."


Author Bio:
Siobhan Smile is an author of happily ever afters with a twist. They features characters of all sizes, shapes, sexualities, gender identities, and races. Reading a Siobhan Smile book lets you escape for a few hours whether that is to an alien world or a contemporary setting, you'll find something outside the norm. Writing books for Siobhan is more than simply telling a story, it's a way for everyone to see themselves get a HEA.

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