Friday, June 30, 2023

๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ“˜๐ŸŽฅFriday's Film Adaptation๐ŸŽฅ๐Ÿ“˜๐ŸŒˆ: Family Album by Danielle Steel


Hollywood, 1945. Every choice has its price . . .

Shipping heir Ward Thayer and screen star Faye Price are reunited after a chance meeting two years earlier. Unable to forget the connection they shared and helpless to resist it, romance quickly sparks.

But for Faye, daring and passionate, the life she's heading for with Ward is a threat to her ambition. How can she decide between Hollywood and motherhood? Is it right to choose fame over family? Faye is on the brink of an impossible choice that will shape her life - and the lives of those she loves - in ways she could scarcely have imagined.

An epic and romantic tale from one of the best-loved writers of all time. Perfect for fans of Penny Vincenzi, Lucinda Riley and Maeve Binchy

It's been nearly 30 years since I read Family Album and about 25 years since I last watched the TV mini-series but there are a few things I wanted to add to this post, memories they made for me more than the story itself.  I can't say without a doubt that this was the first honest portrayal of an LGBT character I read or watched that wasn't written as the bad guy, the victim, or comic relief but it's the first that really stood out.

When I originally saw and then read(and yes, I saw the film first then read the book) the story, I fell so in love with Lionel's desire to find happiness that I recall rereading the chapters that focused on his journey over and over.  The strange thing is that it would be nearly 20 years before I started reading the MM genre, some of that was the lack of availability(I didn't get access to the internet until 2005 or so and didn't start on social media for another 4-5 years after that).  As much as I loved Lionel's side of this family's story, I pretty much forgot about it until recently when a FB friend asked "what was your first recollection of LGBT representation in fiction?".  I regret now that it took so long for me to delve into the LGBT genre but once I did in 2013/14 I never looked back, so even though it was RJ Scott's Texas series that hooked me in, I have to say a huge thank you to Danielle Steel for truly introducing to me with her "every day" representation of Lionel.


Chapter One
The sun was so brilliant nearly everyone was squinting, though it was only eleven o'clock in the morning. The tiniest of breezes ruffled the women's hair. The day was so beautiful there was a kind of agony to it, an amazing silence, and all one could hear in the silences were birds, a quiet chirping, a sudden shrieking, and the overwhelming smell of flowers. . . lily of the valley, gardenias, freesia, buried in a carpet of moss. But Ward Thayer saw none of it and he seemed to hear nothing at all. His eyes had been closed for several minutes, and when he opened them, he stared for the longest time, almost like a zombie, looking colorless, so unlike the image everyone had of him. . . had had for the last forty years. There was nothing dashing or exciting or even handsome about Ward Thayer this morning. He stood immobilized in the brilliant sunlight, watching nothing, his eyes closed again, almost too tightly, he pressed his eyelids tightly together, and for a moment he wanted never to open them again, as she had not, as she never would again.

There was a voice, droning softly in the distance, saying something, sounding no different than the hum of insects buzzing near the flowers. And he felt nothing. Nothing. Why? Why did he feel nothing, he asked himself? Had he felt nothing for her? Had it all been a lie? He felt a wave of panic wash over him. . . he couldn't remember her face. . . the way she wore her hair. . . the color of her eyes. . . his eyes flew open brusquely, tearing the lids apart like hands that had been clasped, skin that had once upon a time been grafted. The sun blinded him in an instant, and he saw only a flash of light and smelled the flowers, as a bee hummed lazily past him, and the pastor said her name. Faye Price Thayer. There was a muffled popping sound to his left and the lightning of a camera exploded in his eyes, as the woman beside him pressed his arm.

He looked down at her, his eyes adjusting to the light again, and suddenly he remembered. Everything he had forgotten was reflected in his daughter's eyes. The younger woman looked so much like her, yet how different they were. There would never be another woman like Faye Thayer. They all knew that, and he knew it best of all. He looked at the pretty blonde beside him, remembering it all, and longing silently for Faye.

His daughter stood tall and sedate. She was plainer than Faye had been. Her smooth blond hair was pulled tightly into a knot, and beside her stood a serious-looking man, who touched her arm often. They were on their own now, all of them, each one different, separate, yet part of a larger whole, part of Faye. . . and of him as well.

Was she truly gone? It seemed impossible, as tears rolled solemnly down his cheeks and a dozen photographers leapt forward to record his pain, to put on front pages around the world. The grieving widower of Faye Price Thayer. He was hers now, in death, as he had been hers in life. They were all hers. All of them. The daughters, the son, the co-workers, the friends, and they were all there to honor the memory of the woman who would never come again.

The family stood beside him in the front row. His daughter Vanessa, her bespectacled young man, and beside him, Vanessa's twin, Valerie, with hair of flame, a golden face, a perfect black silk dress which clung to her breathtakingly, her success stamped on her unmistakably, and beside her an equally dazzling man.

They made such a beautiful pair one had to stare at them, and it pleased Ward to see how much Val looked like Faye. He had never noticed it quite so much before, but he saw it now. . . . And Lionel, who looked so like her too, though more quietly. Tall and handsome and blond, sensual, elegant, and delicate, yet at the same time proud. He stood staring into the distance now, remembering the others he had known and loved. . . . Gregory and John, lost brother, treasured friend. He thought too of how well Faye had known Lionel, better than anyone perhaps. She had known him better than he knew himself. . . and as well as he himself knew Anne, standing beside him now, prettier than she had been before, so much more confident, and still so young, in sharp contrast to the gray-haired man who held her hand.

They were all there in the end. They had come to pay homage to all that she had been. Actress, director, legend, wife, mother, friend. There were those who had envied her, those she had driven too hard and wanted too much from. Her family knew that best of all. She had expected so much of them, yet given so much in return, driven herself so hard, gone so far. Ward remembered it all as he looked at all of them, all the way back to that first time in Guadalcanal. And now here they were, a lifetime past, and each of them remembering her as she had been, as she once was, as she was to them. It was a sea of faces in the bright Los Angeles sun. All of Hollywood had turned out for her. A last salute, a final smile, a tender tear, as Ward turned to glance at the family he had built with her, all of them so strong and beautiful. . . as she had been. How proud she would have been to see them now, he thought, tears burning his eyes again. . . how proud they were of her. . . finally. It had taken a long time. . . and now she was gone. . . it seemed impossible to believe when only yesterday. . . only yesterday they'd been in Paris. . . the South of France. . . New York. . . Guadalcanal.

The journey of a celebrated actress-filmmaker whose family life is marked with love and strife.

Release Date: October 23-24, 1994
Release Time: 240 minutes(with commercials)

Director: Jack Bender

Jaclyn Smith as Faye Price Thayer
Michael Ontkean as Ward Thayer
Joe Flanigan as Lionel Thayer
Kristin Minter as Valerie 'Val' Thayer
Leslie Horan as Anne Thayer (later O'Hara)
Brian Krause as Greg Thayer
Tom Mason as Bill O'Hara
Joel Gretsch as John
Paul Satterfield as Paul Steel
John Waters as Vincent

Author Bio:
Danielle Steel has been hailed as one of the world's most popular authors, with nearly a billion copies of her novels sold. Her recent many international bestsellers include Against All Odds, The Duchess and The Right Time. She is also the author of His Bright Light, the story of her son Nick Traina's life and death; A Gift of Hope, a memoir of her work with the homeless; and the children's books Pretty Minnie in Paris and Pretty Minnie in Hollywood. Danielle divides her time between Paris and her home in northern California.



๐Ÿ‘€AMAZON US/UK limited availability-might be better to check local libraries๐Ÿ‘€

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