Monday, September 9, 2019

Blog Tour: Resonance by Neve Wilder

Title: Resonance
Author: Neve Wilder
Series: A Rhythm of Love #2
Genre: M/M Romance
Release Blitz: August 21, 2019

I gave the rumor mill fodder for a lifetime the day I walked away from a lucrative music career without explanation.

People can talk all they like; my record stores are my lifeblood now, and I'm devoted solely to keeping them afloat in the digital age. There's just one little thing distracting me: an earth-dwelling sunbeam named Owen Harper. I don't know what I was thinking when I hired him. In fact, maybe I wasn't thinking at all.

Quirky and excitable, he's a walking, talking danger to fragile objects. His energy alone could power a small country. That's never been my style. Hell, I was probably cutting my first album while he was cutting teeth. He wants a music career, and I'm done with all that. We couldn't be on more opposite paths.

He's other things, too, though. Things that keep me up late at night. Things that make me forget I'm supposed to be simplifying.

And damn does he love to push my buttons.

Now I'm struggling to resist his pull, drowning in the memory of his skin under my hands, his mouth on mine. His laugh.

When a long shadow from my past comes calling with an offer I'd be stupid to refuse, there's more on the line than the survival of the shops I've dedicated the last fifteen years of my life to.

Because those fragile objects I mentioned earlier? One of them might well be my heart.

Resonance is the second book in the Rhythm of Love series but can be read on its own. It's a steamy slow burn bisexual age-gap, boss/employee romance with lots of banter and two obstinate heroes who really, really don't want to want the very thing they both need.

Spewing that tirade at his bewildered expression felt good for all of a handful of seconds, long enough for me to leave the room, head down the hall, and straight out the back exit.

My stomach lurched as I scurried across the parking lot to my car, and I cast one last glance over my shoulder at the neon sign before tossing my case in the back seat and then sinking into the front and resting my forehead on the steering wheel. I blinked rapidly against the gathering sting in my eyes. Brush it off, inner cheerleader suggested cheerfully.

I groaned and the voice went silent. About damn time. I’d liked the Sparrow. Too bad I couldn’t show my face there again anytime soon. Probably ever.

I thumped my head against the wheel a couple of times and waited until the burn in the back of my throat faded before digging out my phone and opening my messages.

Owen: Done
Ru: How’d it go
Owen: I tripped running off the stage
Ru: Shit
Owen: But I didn’t wet my pants because 97% of the water in my body had already come out of my palms and forehead by then

Ru called me at that point, and I answered with what I thought might be a Guinness World Record–worthy sustained “fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.”

Ru chuckled good-naturedly, the jerk.

“I’m not really in the mood for vocal interaction right now,” I told him.

Who are some of your favorite authors and/or books to read when you need to relax?
To relax, I tend to go for rereads so I can lose myself in familiar worlds, regardless of angst level. Actually, a lot of my comfort reads aren’t particularly light or fluffy! Some of my favorite authors to reread are Lily Morton and May Archer. I recently read Burn Me by Jess Whitecroft and that one’s now on the reread list, even though it’s a pretty angsty book. It’s so beautiful. Arrows Through Archer by Nash Summers is a book I loved so much that I had to own the paperback version, and I’ll definitely be revisiting it soon.

If you were approached to have your book made into a film, who would you cast?
Oh wow. Hmmmm. Let’s see. For Resonance, I could totally see Bradley Cooper or Matthew McConnaughey as Dan. Or maybe an older Charlie Hunnam? For Owen, maybe Wyatt Nash? That’s a hard one!

It's often asked what is your favorite part of being a writer but what is the easiest or most natural part of the creative process for you?
I think the dialogue between characters is what tends to come easiest. Sometimes before I even have a sense of what they look like or what their story is! It usually comes to me in bursts that I scramble to write down, and my first drafts essentially read like a screenplay with all the characters talking back and forth. I used to worry I was going about this the wrong way, but it seems to be what works best for me. Then in the additional drafts, all the other parts (setting, action tags, descriptions) get layered in once I have a feel for the voices.

Is there any one character you've created that is most like you? If yes, who and why?
Most of my characters probably reflect aspects of me, but rarely is one fully a representation of me. However, Rob, from my debut mm Center of Gravity, was a pretty accurate representation of my own journey through grief and hit close to home as I was writing. His story is obviously very different than mine, but the introspection he was prone to and the way he’d withdrawn emotionally was very similar to what I was feeling at the time. There were many frustrating moments in that book for me where I looked at him on page and wanted to tell him to snap out of it at the same time I knew personally that… you can’t. You may want to, but you can’t always dictate the way emotions impact you or your response to the shitty cards life deals out sometimes. The only way out is through and to have forced him to fit a different mold would have felt untrue to the storyline.

If you could go anywhere(finances, time, & obligations not an issue) where would you go and why?
I’m a huge homebody. I live near my extended family and I love that because we’re very closeknit. But just for a quick visit, I’d love to see Bora Bora’s beautiful, crystal clear waters. I dream of water like that constantly and I have no idea why.

Author Bio:
Neve Wilder lives in the southern US, where the summers are hot and the winters are...sometimes cold. She is a mom to three rambunctious weebeasts who have joined forces in a mission to carpet the family home with toys and small items that really suck to step on at six in the morning.

She reads promiscuously across multiple genres, but her favorite stories always contain an element of romance. Incidentally, this is also what she likes to write. Slow-burners with delicious tension? Yes. Whiplash-inducing page-turners, also yes. Down and dirty scorchers? Yes. And every flavor in between.

She believes David Bowie was the sexiest musician to ever live, and she's always game to nerd out on anything from music to writing.

And finally, she believes that love conquers all. Except the heat index in July. Nothing can conquer that bastard.


Resonance #2


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