Monday, June 10, 2024

🌈🌻🌼Monday's Mysterious Mayhem🌼🌻🌈: Snow Storm by Davidson King


Haven Hart Universe #5
The city of Haven Hart rests under the heel of Christopher Manos. He reigns over the most dangerous and deadliest citizens as the most powerful crime boss the city has seen in generations. Yet, for the last five years, the harshest edges of his nature have been tempered by the loving devotion of his husband, Snow, and the nephew Christopher adores like a son. His life is a balance of darkness and light until a birthday trip for his nephew, Simon, is interrupted by a hail of bullets and explosions, threatening to destroy it all.

Snow has found a home, a family, and the love of one of Haven Hart’s most powerful men. When Christopher and Simon are kidnapped, Snow risks everything to find his family. Utilizing specialized skills he learned on the streets and the finer points of running a city from his crime boss husband, Snow takes on roles he never dreamed he would--protector, leader, and avenger. No one threatens his family and lives. Experienced enough to know he can’t do this alone, Snow calls in every favor he is owed, risking his life promising favors in return, all to save his family and the man he loves.

The sins of the Manos crime family are escaping the dark recesses of the past and threatening the bright future of everything Snow and Christopher have built. Yet, even with the help of some unlikely and uniquely dangerous people, Snow finds himself wondering if their efforts will be enough to save the two most important people in his life. Will the loving family Snow has finally found be taken from him forever?

Original ebook Review April Book of the Month 2019:
Never underestimate Snow.  The mother nature kind looks light and fluffy but can be anything but, well Davidson King's Snow on the surface is light, fluffy, and a bit of pushover(at least what a certain bad guy thinks) but just like Mother Nature's white stuff, Snow Manos can be deadly.  Let's be honest, there are times when its best if we get underestimated and Snow Storm is a prime example of just that.  Never threaten the Manos family, Snow may not be the head of the family but he is the head's husband and that makes him even more of a danger to cross.

Not sure which factor I loved most: Snow being underestimated or that Christopher knows his husband so perfectly he knew exactly what to say to him on the phone to get the ball rolling?  Talk about a perfect pair and its this knowledge and chemistry that will always put Snow and Christopher on the top of my favorite Haven Hart couples.

Snow is such an amazingly creative fun, flirty, and fabulous character which in my honest opinion defines exactly what Haven Hart is all about, both the city and the series.  Don't get me wrong, Haven Hart Universe is not all rainbows and unicorns kind of rom-com happy happy.  Oh no, it is anything but because there is danger always lurking and Snow Storm is the best example of that because Snow Manos brings happiness to everyone he meets but its not all he brings to the table.  With this series entry you realize that he really is what brings everyone together, he is the cement that makes the bricks into a home, he is the Force that binds the Jedi together, and he is the love that makes the Manos and Black Organizations family(even if neither Christopher nor Black want to admit that is what they've become since meeting Snow😉😉).

Speaking of Christopher, he is just as dangerously yummy as always.  His love for his nephew, Simon, has been blatantly obvious from the very minute Simon brought Snow home with him way back in book 1, Snow Falling, and if you hadn't already noticed that Christopher has become more than just a father figure you will clearly see he(and Snow) have become dads to the growing boy.  I already mentioned how perfectly attuned Christopher is with Snow by knowing what clues to give his husband to help find them so I'll just add that they may be well established couple but their passion for each other is still off the charts that will fry your e-reader if you're not careful.

As for the secondary characters, well has there ever really been any "secondary" characters in this series?  No because they all serve a purpose whether they get their own story or not, not a single one can be labeled "page filler", each one brings a needed element to the journey.  It is always nice to see where other couples are once they've had their story begun, the author letting her readers know there is still life after they get their HEA.

Snow Storm once again showcases Davidson King's knack for storytelling, not just a writer but a true storyteller.  She creates not only characters to read and plots to unravel but a whole community to discover and experience.  If you haven't been reading Haven Hart Universe yet, I highly recommend doing so because you are certainly missing out on quite a ride.

One final note: if you are wondering if this is a series best read in order than I have to say yes.  Sure each one features a new couple, well Snow Storm revisits Snow & Christopher from book 1 but each entry does have its own central plot so I suppose technically each one is a standalone but I have to recommend reading in order.  The characters, the friendships, the favors Snow cashes in, these factors just flow better knowing each pairings' journey.  If reading 5 books seems daunting, don't worry because the time will fly by and before you know it, you'll be kicking yourself for not savoring the moments but you just get so sucked in that you can't put them down.  I should probably add that for the first time EVER, I did a re-read in less than 2 weeks after my initial read and if that doesn't express how amazing Snow Storm is then I'm not sure what does.

Original Audiobook Listen November 2019:
What can I say about the story that I didn't already cover in my original review? Nothing! It's still just as beautiful and engaging as originally. So I think I'll just talk about the narrators, Joel Leslie and Philip Alces.  There again, what can I say that I haven't touched on in the first 4 audio versions of Haven Hart? Nothing!  They bring life not only to Snow and Christopher but to all the characters, good guys and bad guys.  Between Davidson King's visual storytelling style and Leslie & Alces narration, you can almost see the story unfold in front of you.  I should add that although there have been bits & pieces from each entry that has carried over, I found Snow Storm to be the first one that really shows everything starting to come together to form the "big picture", so definitely read/listen to Haven Hart Universe in order.


Chapter One
One of my favorite parts of waking up was feeling Snow wrapped around my body like an octopus. Even last summer when the air conditioning had failed and it was so hot, I’d wake to his limbs tangled in a death grip with mine. Every morning for the last five years, that was my morning greeting. So, the fact I’d woken up alone, with no tentacle Snow, made grumpiness settle in my gut.

It all went downhill from there. I stubbed my toe on the toilet, jumped into the shower before it was warm enough, and to make matters worse, after I dressed, I realized my cell phone was dead because I’d forgotten to charge it. Today isn’t going to be a good day.

Grabbing the back-up battery, I headed downstairs, hoping Maggie had made a breakfast that could make me forget waking up so shitty.

Vanilla, cinnamon, and coffee filled my nose and the warmth and familiarity gave me hope this day would turn around.

“That is utterly ridiculous, Snow. I’m not making this a thirteen-tier cake just because Simon is going to be thirteen. This isn’t Cake Wars.” The sound of Maggie’s irate voice as I halted by the kitchen door was like a bucket of ice water poured over me.

“I already said we could hire someone to do it, but no, you had to be difficult and squeeze out a few tears to be the one to make it. I know you, Miss Maggie. You use the fact you’re elderly to your advantage.” A smile played on my lips at Snow’s argument. He loved Maggie, but the two of them locked horns more than anyone.

“I can’t believe you’d accuse me of such a thing.” I entered at her dramatic gasp.

The kitchen was a sight that would rival an explosion. The blender was whirring, flour covered the countertops and cabinets, there was something dripping down an abandoned silver bowl beside the sink, and Snow and Maggie were covered in all of it. With Snow’s finger extended toward Maggie, he turned to me. His smile was automatic and went straight to my bones.

Snow had changed very little in the five years I’d been with him. Four of those, I’d been married to the man. I thought of that time so many years ago when he had stumbled into my life; he was Simon’s hero, and surprisingly, mine as well. He still wore his t-shirts and jeans, loved his Converse, and I was glad his long-haired phase had ended and he’d cut his hair back to the style he had when I met him. The natural white hair sparkled under the lights, his fire blue eyes gleamed, and his megawatt smile reminded me how much I loved my husband.

In that moment, my crappy morning didn’t matter because the way he looked at me now, and every day of my life with him, made any bad day better.

“Morning, baby,” I said as I rounded the corner and placed a quick kiss on his flour-covered mouth. “Baking, I see?” I made a point of gesturing to the mess. “I missed you this morning.”

“Morning, Chris.” He went to put his cake-covered hands on my suit and, while I loved the hell out of him, I had a meeting that morning and couldn’t risk the mess.

“No, I love the old you,” I said with a laugh as I grabbed his wrists.

“Fine, but I would have been wrapped up in you this morning if this woman right here hadn’t texted me at five this morning to tell me she was forgoing our cake plans.” Snow went back to pointing at an eye-rolling Maggie.

“You want a thirteen-tier cake for Simon?” I asked and he nodded. “And you think that’s insane and can’t do it?” Maggie also nodded. “Snow wanted to hire someone, but you love Simon and it’s a huge birthday and you wanted to bake this for him to show your love?” Again, she nodded and this time, her eyes glistened. Snow scoffed at this.

“Bring on the water works,” he mumbled. “If you need to bake a cake to show you love him, then you failed somewhere, Mags.”

She slammed her hand down, making flour explode over all three of us. So much for being on time.

“You can’t understand, Snow, this is how I am. It’s how I love!”

I had to end this. Those two could go on for hours.

“Okay, I get final say.” They both faced me, hope on their faces thinking they both had won, and they both did win.

“Snow wants thirteen tiers. Maggie can’t do that, likely because of the mechanics of it. So, here’s what you’re going to do.” I took Snow’s sticky hand in mine. “You’re going to go order or buy a cupcake tower that holds thirteen layers. And seeing as the party is tomorrow, you’ll likely have to go get it yourself.” I took Maggie’s hand in my other one. “You’re going to make enough cupcakes to fill those layers and Snow will make sure they balance perfectly.”

Aside from the still-whirring mixer, both were silent for a moment. Until finally, Maggie spoke.

“I think that’s a fair compromise.”

Snow bit his lip and shrugged. “Yeah, that’ll work.”

“Great.” I clapped my hands. “Now, I need to go change before my meeting in fifteen minutes.”

Snow followed me out of the kitchen and up the stairs. He waited until the bedroom door was closed to speak.

“You settled that perfectly.” His voice was like a purr, and suddenly, I realized I was going to be very late for my meeting. “It’s like you’re some boss or something, making the hard calls.” He said the word hard with a moan and I knew if I turned around, he’d be stripping off his clothes.

“Snow…” I tried for a warning tone, but it was Snow. He couldn’t be deterred.

“You’re already going to be late.” His hands pressed against my back. “And you’re already going to be naked in a second.” He reached around my waist and began pulling my belt buckle. “What’s a little more lateness, hmm?”

Resistance was futile, so I turned in his arms and smiled at the cheeky, adorable man I loved more than the air I breathed.

“You argue a good case, Mr. Manos, so make me later.”

He chuckled as he pushed me onto the bed, straddling me in all his flour and sugar-covered glory.

I relished in the feel of his mouth over my heated skin, his tongue gliding along my flesh like a paint brush. With my shirt open and my cock freed from the confines of my pants, I moaned as he made me later.

I loved looking into his beautiful blue eyes as we made love. I didn’t trust anyone as much as I trusted Snow. I didn’t love anyone with this all-encompassing love like I did my husband. And when he swallowed me all the way down his throat, eyes locked with mine, I wanted to weep.

“I fucking love you,” I whispered as he devoured my cock, sucking every emotion from me.

When I came in his mouth, he hummed and swallowed every drop, then licked my shaft clean, causing me to hiss when he lapped the sensitive head.

“I fucking love you too, Mr. Manos,” he said as he hovered above me.

“I’d be lost without you.” My fingers slid through his hair, his smile widening at my words.

“I was lost without you and never knew it.” He pressed his lips to mine. We kissed for long moments until he lifted his head.

“We never have to know what being lost feels like again.”

His words were like a balm, but for a brief moment, a tendril of fear creeped around my heart. I didn’t have time to examine it further, because there was a pounding on my door.

“You’re late, sir,” Frank spoke.

“Get to bossing.” Snow slid off me and I watched him until he disappeared into the en suite.

As quickly as I could, I dressed, making sure I looked decent, and rushed out the door, ignoring the smirk on Frank’s face.

“Let’s go,” I said.

“Let’s.” Frank followed me down the stairs and I waved at Simon through the library doors. He was on the phone and I didn’t want to disturb him. I was so excited to give him his birthday gift the next morning, and hoped he’d love it as much as I did.

We drove through the gate, pausing to make sure it closed completely before venturing down the road. The meeting I was attending was with the new harbor master. I hoped he’d agree to the same terms as the last one; forcing the issue could become very ugly.

Saturday's Series Spotlight
Haven Hart
Part 1  /  Part 2  /  Part 3

Joker's Sin

Davidson King
Davidson King, always had a hope that someday her daydreams would become real-life stories. As a child, you would often find her in her own world, thinking up the most insane situations. It may have taken her awhile, but she made her dream come true with her first published work, Snow Falling.

When she's not writing you can find her blogging away on Diverse Reader, her review and promotional site. She managed to wrangle herself a husband who matched her crazy and they hatched three wonderful children.

If you were to ask her what gave her the courage to finally publish, she'd tell you it was her amazing family and friends. Support is vital in all things and when you're afraid of your dreams, it will be your cheering section that will lift you up.


Snow Storm #5

Haven Hart Universe

Joker's Sin

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